Question about Power Hour........


Will I gain some muscle definition from doing Power Hour twice a week? I only have Cathe's Power Hour so far and I don't want to look like a bodybuilder just to have some definition in my arms would be nice.:D

Thanks for all the help.

The new format is confusing but hopefully this slow momma will pick it up eventually!!;-)

God bless you and Take care!!

Yes, Annette, I think you will gain definition. Looking like a bodybuilder would only happen if you really, really wanted it and it would take a lot more than just Power Hour twice a week.

When you get burned out on Power Hour consider getting 2 more of Cathe's strength series or videos. Different exercises and tempos keep you interested and provide definition too. I recommend variety and Cathe sure provides it.

Yes, Annette you will gain definition with out bulk. PH was my first Cathe Strength tape. I then bought MIS because it was suggested in a rotation to do PH 2 times a week and MIS once for 4 weeks then switch and do MIS 2 times and PH once. This really helped me lean out(along with healthy eating of course!. :)
Have fun! Susan
I agree that you can get some good results, without bulking, with PH. You might want to try it three times a week, or even twice a week one week, alternating with three times a week the next week.
I"m doing a 2nd week of a PH rotation. I'm definetly seeing results.

First week I did it with 2 IMAX and LL (that was TOOO much - I was totally drained)

This week I"m doing 3 PH - Imax - 2 CTX cardio - and hopefully a LL.

I'm seeing results but certainly NOT close to getting like a body builder. I'm wanting a bit more definition so next week I start an S&H rotation.

Good luck let us know how it goes

Have you done a S&H rotation in the past? How did it go? I JUST bought S&H off a swap and I'm not sure how to use it. What did you do and did you see results?

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