Question about Muscle Endurance


Hi folks! Yesterday I did Muscle Endurance for the millionth time, and for the first time it occurred to me that it does not have a section focusing specifically upon inner thighs/adductors. I actually went back to the squats section to see if I'd carelessly missed plie squats, but no.

Has anyone else noticed this? Cathe's so thorough that I just feel like I must be missing something here. Am I overlooking other exercises in ME that do a good job of recruiting these muscles? I tried to think through the other leg exercises, and quite honestly I couldn't think of any -- including leg presses -- that I felt much in the inner thigh area.

If there's a section on this tape that I am just flat overlooking I am I'm really gonna feel pretty foolish! :) Kathy S.
The inner and outer thigh muscles are also used for stabilization in moves like leg presses (otherwise we'd be tilting off to the side or something) and regular squats. Other than that, there are no specific exercises for inner/outer thigh. You could always do plié squats instead of regular squats.
Lunges, glute raises, and leg presses call on the adductors to work on stabilizing the body, as you are pretty much balancing on one leg. I have the ME DVD and when I do this one, I just hit the repeat button on my remote as soon as the squat segment is over and do the same exercise but in a plie stance. Sometimes I'll do the inner thigh ball work from PLB instead. It all depends on how worked the legs already feel, and how much time I have.
Hi Kathy, I have never noticed this lack of focus on inner thighs/abductors. But that's because Cathe's workouts get me so tired to even wonder about other exercises!:) Do you have Pure Strength Legs or Pyramid Lower Body? She has a floor section on these two workouts for the inner/outer thigh and hamstrings. You probably already know that. I don't know if you want to add on one of these to your ME workout. Abductor workout or none, my legs have really toned up with Cathe's routines. Those squats and lunges with weights alone have really worked great magic on me.:7

AHA! Great idea, Jilly!

Don't know why that never occurred to me! I happen to love plie squats -- well, okay, not LOVE them, but I really feel that they are an almost irreplaceable exercise for me. My legs respond well to them, much more so than to floor work or just the stabilizing effects you mentioned.

Thanks for the suggestion! Kathy S.
Thanks Pinky!

Yup, I have 'em all, happy slave that I am to Cathe. You're right about her leg workouts -- I can't tell you I finish ME feeling like my legs aren't cooked through and through. I'm just a stickler for balance when I'm doing a total body workout, and since ME is a very thorough routine this just struck me as odd. I like your suggestion of tacking on the floorwork from PLB or PS -- let's see how motivated I am next time I do ME!!

Thanks again!

P.S. Hey Pink, hope you're feeling better -- I thought Cathe's response to your post on overtraining was terrific advice, and I hope you'll continue to take good care of yourself! Kathy S.
I also noticed that there were no exercises for outer thighs - an important area for me! So after the third set of leg presses, I lie down and do leg lifts with a body bar while Cathe is doing the glute raises. It works out really well!
O.K., I may be a bit off here, I have done so many other workouts recently that I may not be remembering correctly, but what about the warm up where you do a bazillion side leg lifts? This was my first Cathe tape, and I remember thinking that the warm up was going to kill me, let alone the next hour of actually working out:) My legs were cramping and it took a couple of times before I could actually finish all of them.
That's right Dani!

Those things work the inner and outer bigtime! Thanks for the reminder.
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Oh yeah -- forgot about those!

Oh Dani, you are SO right -- I forgot about those, or maybe blocked them from my mind!!

The first time I did ME, I remember, I stood there with my thighs cramping (just like you said) thinking "Warmup??? Whaddaya mean warmup? Eight more? Aren't we there yet????" ;) Kathy S.

I love how that part "heats" the legs up good. Just wanted to say I LOVE your cute lil' aerobics gal! Can you share the site with me?
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Hi Deb!

She IS a cute lil' thing, isn't she? As I was sitting at my computer checking e-mail every 10 minutes on Friday ;-), I ran a Google search for "aerobics gifs" looking for a new avatar. (My freebie account at PictureTrail ran out and I didn't pay to renew it, so I "lost" my link to my own picture avatar.) When the Google search completed, I clicked on the tab at the top of the page that says "Images" and I scrolled through MANY pages of pictures of aerobics gifs til I saw this cutie pie. She is from a Japanese site and I sure hope they don't mind my using her! :)

There were a ton of other cute gifs that came up on that search, by the way, so try it! (P.S. - Run the search through "Advanced Search" so that "aerobics gifs" is a phrase, not two separate words.)

The site is: CONTINUED (I had to break this up so that it wouldn't just post the image) /images/square/2002/kinro-home/aerobics.gif

And here she is bigger: Kathy S.
Thanx Kath!

Thanks, I'll go check it out soon. She is too cute! I do miss YOUR cute pix though. BTW, thanks for "checking" your E-mail EVERY 10 minutes Friday! Can't wait!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

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