Question about modifying Gym Style to light weights?


This may be a premature question since the workouts aren't filmed yet, but I use mostly endurance style workouts - lighter weights - higher reps - ie: muscle endurance; power max; cardio & Weights; step/jump pump; circuit max; body max - well to make it easier - I don't lift slow and heavy - my body type responds better to lighter weights.

So, I ordered the entire hardcore series and am excited about the use of the band in the Gymstyle workouts. Do you think there will be a way to modify these workouts which I think will be more of the slower and heavy type?

Any one else who uses mostly light to moderate weights have any ideas?
what body type would you say you are that it responds to this endurance just wondering I like this type of training too!
Iam sure you can modify the new workouts to lighter more endurance type workouts
Lisa - I'm an hourglass figure - I tend to be curvy. I'm really looking for definition and it seems that I don't get the results I want unless I'm using light to medium weights and faster reps. I do mix in strength building routines but I don't go near Slow & Heavy. I like Supersets - I go heavier on that one. These type of workouts, as well as pyramiding, seems to work best for me.

Circuit workouts work great for me too. AND - I never use weights for lower body - and if I do, they are light or I may use bands. I tend to bulk -

It's interesting to read how different body types respond to different training methods. My sister has a completely different bodytype than me - she carries most of her weight on her lower body and she finds that heavy lifting, especially on the lower body, works best for her.

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