question about lunges and rear leg quad failure


When I do repeated forward lunges, for example doing Muscle Max today, it often seems as if my back leg feels like it is "failing" long before my front leg does. In the back leg I feel a lot of stress in my quad, and sometimes I have to stop and stretch or reduce the weight just to keep my rear leg in the game.

Is this normal? Or is there something wrong with my form that I need to correct?


~ Ann ~
Aim for nothing, and you'll hit it every time!
Ann, play around with your weight distribution when you're doing lunges. If you focus on keeping your weight in your front foot and having your back foot there for "balance" that might help with your rear quad.

I know some people get a terribly sore back foot when they're doing lunges, which also should resolve itself if you shift more weight onto your front foot.

Like I said, play around with your weight distribution and you should feel better. That isn't to say you should never feel it in your back quad... that's one of the great things about lunges! It works both legs like crazy. (and, sheepishly, why I skipped them tonight! :p)

Also keep your front heel your focus so you feel it in your front glute, with your rear quad supporting that activity secondarily.


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