Question about hanging concentration curls


I've heard some people say that they don't "feel" these as much, and I agree. But last night I did them and really started paying attention to what, exactly, it was that I didn't feel. My bicep seems to work as hard. I think what I don't feel is the stress and tension in the bend of the arm, on the tendons.

So my question is, am I right? Does this exercise place less stress on the tendons between the bicep and forearm? Or am I doing them wrong?

Hi Shannon! You may feel less stress in this position but that really isn't a contributing/inhibiting factor in this case.

You will just feel these differently because of the suspended state you are in. There is no anchor to support your arm against and therefore you have to many times lighten your weight and focus on using no momentum (keeping your arm still from your shoulder to your elbow while curling the lower portion of the arm). You will feel the peak contraction in a different way than with the seated concentration curls.

Some may prefer the standard seated concentration curls, that's to be expected. This is just a variation to hit the muscle from a new angle and stimulate different muscle fibers. I, too, always have my favorite traditional exercises that I use most of the time, but it is always good to throw in a new challenge as long as it is an effective one.

Happy Peaking :)

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