Question about Gym Style Upper Body Workouts


I ordered all the Hardcore workouts, and I haven't yet unsealed the two upper body workouts. I'm still wondering if they are right for me. I tend to use light weights on upper body (5lb db for bis and tris, 7lb db for military presses, 24-30 barbell for bench, 10-12 db for flyes), I often use the SS upper body premix to work my upper body. I love the circuits and BC, but I don't have PUB, or the Pure Strength workouts. Here's my question: if I don't really do intense upper body workouts, will I even like these? If I use light weight, will they be a waste of my time? Do any of you use light weights and see results? I'm not really looking to grow my muscles, I like the way they are right now, though a little more definition would be fine.
From your description of the weight loads you currntly use, I suspect you have an imbalance of upper body strength. You use a moderate weight for chest work, but very light weights for biceps, triceps and shoulders. You don't mention what you use for back work, but it sounds like your chest is worked much more and is therefore stronger than your other upper body muscles.

You should know that continuing to increase your work load with weights will not bulk you up. You say you do not wish to "grow your muscles" any further, but as muscles get stronger they get more compact, so you won't be adding much size at all, just greater strength.

I think it would be a good idea for you to incease your weight loads and continually strive to build your overall bodily strength. Here's why: you don't say how old you are, but by lifting weights and building greater strength as you age you protect yourself from the dimunition of muscle tissue that affects all women from the mid to late thirties onwards. Decreased muscle tissue means your metabolism slows down, you burn less calories and the ratio of fat to muscle in the body increases in favour of the former. Not good.

Also, to continually work on improving your strength helps you build and maintain bone mass, which will also decrease as you age. These are naturally occurring processes, but the bottom line is that weight lifting, and lifting to your maximum ability at that, helps slow down the aging process and the effects of this in the body.

Not only this but greater strength in your muscles can help protect ligaments and joints from future injury. A good strong back will help your posture and a strong core will help you in all your daily and fitness activities. Think how many people lose work days due to aching backs. Train your back and make sure you don't become one of them.

If I were you, I would open up those GS DVDs and start working with them on a regular basis. Challenge yourself and get as strong as you can. Remember: weight lifting involves more than just aesthetics. It provides incredible HEALTH benefits.

Hi Writer! Even though you won't be lifting the amount of #s that Cathe & the crew lifts, you'll still definitely feel it & gain strength. The pushups, however, there are 72 of them but please just do as many as you can on your knees or military style. Also, pause the DVD (that's what I do) in between sets b/c Cathe doesn't really rest enough for me anyway. Make the DVDs work for you. Keep a log of the #s your using & I would want you to challenge yourself each week to try for more reps or a higher weight.

Good luck! Kathy:D
Those are two pretty strong recommendations for these workouts, I'll give them a chance. I'm (almost) 48, have always had strong legs and weak arms, and my chest is laughable! I can do 15-20 decent push-ups if I do them before I do anything else, but the number of push-ups in GS Chest puts me into shock just imagining them. I did Body Max yesterday, and by the time the push-ups showed up, I had to do them on my knees. Anyway, thanks for the input. When I have the incredible DOMS I know these workouts will produce, I'll thank you both.....
I know what you mean about the push ups. Frightening. I have so far skipped them and still gotten in an incredible workout what with all the presses and flyes and inclined and what have you! So if you skip them or only do a certain portion of them, or do as many of them as you can after all the other chest work, don't sweat it, you'll still be doing great things for your body.

I put a longer pause between the sets of push-ups. I was determined to do them all (after being able to do most of them in P90X) and need that break to be able to do so. Don't be afraid to modify. Also, you can go your your knees, or, what I like to do when 'on-the-toes" is too tough, but "on-the-knees" seems not tough enough, go on one knee with the other foot held up off the floor behind you.
I use Cathe's weights in many workouts and exercises and I'm not muscular. I have more definition now than I ever had, but I'm far from bulky. Eventually you will outgrow what you have and you will need a workout or set of workouts that will challenge you even more. so even if you're not using the Gym Styles now, do keep them for future use. Although I felt stronger with light weights and endurance workouts, I saw definite results when I used heavier weights and worked out in splits.

Writer-you've gotten a lot of good feedback on this question, and it's helped me too. I have never split my upper body weight work into different days. But, with a recent injury to my leg, I have pretty much been forced to concentrate on my upper body and abs. I just opened these two workouts up Wednesday night. I did one yesterday and one today. I LOVE THEM! The back work is I think my favorite! I am really looking forward to doing these for the next several weeks! ENJOY!


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