Question about Glute Work


Hi Cathe or anyone who can answer my questions:)!

I have been working out with your videos for about a year now and I have seen great results. I actually am using your workout to gain muscle weight (and of course for health), rather than overall fat loss. I am now able to do the same weight as you do on lower body, but only half of your weight for upperbody workouts. Here is my question:

What can I do for the glutes to lift more?
What can I do to get rid of the fat just below the glutes (you know the dimples:-( )?

I know you will ask if I eat clean, and I really do try. I am actually underweight for my height, so I cannot afford to lose weight (fast metabolism). I typically eat pretty healthy except for my chocolate addiction. Is this hereditary or is it something I can actually change? I workout approximately 6 days per week with more emphasis on the GS series right now. Any comments would be greatly appreciated. I want to look good for my bikini! THANK YOU!
Hi FitnessAngel! Lucky you to have a fast metabolism (I bet you are tired of hearing that, huh?). If this is the case you may need to up your calories if you are working out 6 days a week. You might be burning more than you are consuming. Just something to think about.

Also, I would not recommend more than 3 cardio per week (30 minute sessions) if you consider yourself an underweight person. More than this could interfere with you ability to gain muscle weight. Again, something to think about.

To lift the glutes more try slow walking lunges with handweights and very controlled weighted leg presses.

A combo of clean eating, a bit of cardio, and focused glute work will help clear the dimples up. However, extreme "dimpling" can also be hereditary and if this is the case you may not be able to totally eliminate it but you will be able to make great improvements.

You sound focused and therefore you will do great. Keep up the awesome work :)
Thank you, Cathe!

I will take your suggestions. By the way, I hope that you are healing nicely. I truly understand your frustration with injuries. I have had my share of knee problems and it can be devistating not to work out for months on end. I guess you are compromising by working out your upper body:)

Best wishes for a speedy and complete recovery.

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