Question about floorwork in Pyramid Lower Body


Cathe (and others, of course),

In Pyramid Lower Body, during the floorwork, there is a move (I believe the very first set of floor work) that I had a question about. During the move, you are on your back with one heel on the step/stability ball and the other straight up in the air. You use the heel on the step to push you up and down for various reps. Is this move any less effective if you keep the foot in the air on the floor instead? I assume it is put in the air to ensure that the opposite foot (the heel on the step) gives 100% of the "lift" off the step?

I have a recovered knee injury and it seems a tiny bit more comfortable that way. I try very hard to keep as little pressure as possible in that foot on the floor. However, if it is less effective, I will find a way to work up to the "foot in air" method!

I recently did PLB and used the ball (not the step) for those one-leg-in-the-air moves...good question! I think it would be hard to keep the non-workout leg on the floor using the ball because the ball is so much higher than the step. I think the "air leg" is up there to keep you from cheating. If you have a knee injury that is healing, listen to your body. Don't stress your joint more than you have to. I don't think you are missing out on that much of the exercise by doing what you're doing to modify. Besides, there are many other "butt" moves out there that do the same thing!

;-) Lisa
Oh, thanks Lisa, I forgot to mention that when I did the move with the second foot on the floor, I used the high step.

Hi Christine,

I'm no expert (so, as they say on Reading Rainbow, "don't take my word for it"), but I think keeping the non-working let in the air is an advanced way to perform the exercise (at least that's the way it was presented to me in some non-Cathe workouts). You can modify it by putting that non-working foot on the floor, as you discussed. If you're still feeling the effect with one foot on the floor and using the step, and your knee isn't bothering you, I'd say stick with that!

Take care,
I've done this move with my foot on the floor as I find the leg in the air too advanced. I still felt it in my buttocks and hamstrings and was able to keep my foot on the ball throughout the exercise. Deb

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