Question about Fat Loss Rotation


In Cathe's fat loss rotation ,Imax3 & a core is one day and the very next is Musclemax, which has a core workout, then later in the week there is a 30min. cardio& core, and the very next Musclemax again. Do we do the ab section of Musclemax?? That is extremely hard doing that intense of an ab workout 2 days in a row.....and it makes us working out our abs 4 times a week.
What is everyone doing? Any advice?
Also, I'm not really into kickboxing, so what should I substitute on days that Kickmax is in the rotation? (so far I've done StepBlast one day and Stepworks another, but dont' know if those are good choices for the rotation)
Sorry about all the questions. I've never done a rotation before.
It's Ok to work your abs 4x/week. The more you do it, the easier it gets. I've cut down from ab work 6x/week to 4x/week to try to get a little definition going.

If you don't like kickboxing, do other cardio for the same amount of time as that workout. Jogging, bike riding, step aerobics, swimming, elliptical, etc. It's just a good idea to get a variety of cardio in. :)

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