Question about elbows hurting again,...sorry.........


Sorry about the elbow thing but mine hurt with a different exercise. When doing Power Hour and the shoulder work with a plate(I use a dumbell turned sideways) my elbows once the exericse is over are killing me. It still hurts to go onto the next exercise. I have tried not to lock them out when lifting the dumbell but that is hard to do, and I have tried to bend them a little while down before you go up again, but there is hardly enough time. Cathe says you can feel the burn in your shoulders well I feel a little burn there but mostly in my elbows is where it hurts. I am using a 5 pound or 8 pound weight. Anybody else feel this or have a suggestion as to what to do?

Also on triceps extensions since I don't have a barbell, I find that this exercise is the hardest to do without a barbell, any suggestions on modifications I can use or should I just continue to try doing what I have been doing?

Does your elbow hurt doing just regular daily stuff too?

If so, its possible that you may have tendonitis. If it continues, you'll want to check w/your doctor.

Good luck!
RE: Question about elbows hurting again,...sorry..........

No Mindi, they just hurt during that exercise. Thanks for the response.
RE: Question about elbows hurting again,...sorry..........

HI, I noticed that I also am having this problem when I use 8 lb weights for work. I bought an elbow support, I have been using it for weight work, my elbow,or specifilly the part above my forearm will also ache if I have my arms folded behind my head in abs. I have noticed that since using the elbow brace my arm feels better. Thank Goodness, I thought for sure I was having to give it up and I just got into Cathe.


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