Question about CTX workout


Active Member
Can anyone tell me if CTX is hard on your knees? My knees are not the greatest so I am trying to figure out if this is a dvd for me or not.

I will be 44 in a couple of weeks. I have learned that step bothers my knees more than anything. But thanks to suggestions from some smart exercisers, I just use the step platform with either 1 riser on each side or NO risers. It is so much easier on my knees. And, I still get my heart rate where it needs to be. There is some hi/low, but it doesn't bother me much. I just love 10-10-10 and Power Circuits and Kick box.... There's so much variety with the CTX workouts. The upper body workouts are fabulous as well as the abs. I am not sure if I helped you or not!

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