question about core work


Hi Cathe,

I just purchased the Intensity Series and I am absolutly loving it...I have been doing a rotation with it for about 2 weeks and I swear I'm already seeing results. I also love the core work involved in several of the programs, definitly what I was looking for to take my ab workout to the next level. While I have noticed some improvement in my ability to perform the exercises I still feel really uncomfortable especially with the core work in Boot Camp. Not that I'm in pain but I just feel really awkward in some of the positions...I've really tried to pay attention to form, and some of it I'm sure is related to strength gains I need to make in my core. Basically I was just wondering if there are any specific modifications you would suggest for core exercises to appropriately build up to a full set/range of motion especially in exercise such as various planks, hip dips, and those oblique crunches where you position yourself on the soft part of your glutes. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated...I'd really like to perform these correctly to get the most out of them. And thanks for this's doing more for me already than I ever expected, you are a true inspiration.

I went through the same awkwardness when I started doing core work. What worked for me was give it time and focus 100% on the muscle being used/worked. After 3 to 4 weeks I began to feel strong in the core area. It's a great feeling isn't it?!
I agree with Rhiannon. At first, the moves seemed a bit awkward but the more you do them the more comfortable/natural they will seem. Be sure to concentrate on the form Cathe is using, maybe even watching them without doing them a few times to get the "correct' form down and then, try them. It takes time and practice to feel more comfy. Good Luck and keep us posted. WELCOME 2 Cathe's place!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Hi Ladies,

Thanks so much for your suggestions! These seem very reasonable and I will definitly use these tips in my core workouts. I figured I would probably just need to be patient till my body was ready to handle the new demands and develop the strength to handle it but you never know, sometimes your form is off and someone can shed light on what you may be doing wrong, thus hindering progress. I'll just wait and see! THANKS AGAIN! (ps...loooove loooove loooove this message board, so much info and such nice people, and i think it's just so wonderful that cathe takes the time to answer our questions)

Happy Sweating,

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