Question about copyright


Hi Cathe,

I was wondering how you would feel about me burning a copy of my Rhythmic Step VHS to DVD and then donating mine to the library. I never use it in VHS format, and I thought it would be a good way of letting others find out about your videos. Our library only has one very old Cathe video. Please know that I will honor your wishes. You're the best there is! Thank you. Luckygirl
This is a nice thought, but it's still illegal and punishable by heavy fines. A much better suggestion is to donate your VHS and buy yourself the DVD! You get two other awesome workouts on it! :)

Hi again,

I thought if I got permission from the copyright owner, it would be okay. That's why I posted in the "Ask Cathe" forum.
It is right to post it here, but I think due to copyright infringments, you probably will do better donating the VHS and purchasing the DVD.

Just like many of us, who go to Walgreens or any outlet that takes VHS tapes and transfer it to DVD format, it clearly states not any copyrighted materials will be transferred. These outlets will only reproduce non-copyrighted materials, i.e. family VHS tapes.

Because the bottomline is that you would be taking away royalties from SNM by burning the copy to a DVD, vs. purchasing the DVD.

But hey, it is up to you.

"We may encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated."
Maya Angelou
Hi Luckygirl! Thank you for inquiring, however, as kind hearted as your offer is, we cannot allow this due to copyright laws. Again, thanks for asking :)
Instead of donating it, sell your VHS copy of Rhythmic Step on Ebay. The money you make selling it on Ebay can go to the purchase of Rhythmic Step on DVD.

>Hi Cathe,
>I was wondering how you would feel about me burning a copy of
>my Rhythmic Step VHS to DVD and then donating mine to the
>library. I never use it in VHS format, and I thought it would
>be a good way of letting others find out about your videos.
>Our library only has one very old Cathe video. Please know
>that I will honor your wishes. You're the best there is! Thank
>you. Luckygirl

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