Question about compound exercises


Hi Cathe! During the compound exercises, is the idea to use a weight that is heavy enough to fatigue the upper body muscle, or is it really just supposed to warm up the upper body muscle before the heavier work? If for example shoulders are very fatigued from the compound exercise, then it might not be possible to go straight into a heavy shoulder exericse. Just wondered how this is designed to work. Thanks! :)
I'm not Cathe, but if you're talking about workouts where you first use a compound exercise, followed by an upper-body-only exercise, I think using the compound exercise as an upper body warm-up is a good idea.

Compound exercises work your balance more (and engage the core more because you have to keep stable while moving both upper and lower body). It would be difficult to do them using heavy weights on the upper body while keeping good form. I see them as more functional than isolation moves, and often functional moves require lighter weights because of the stabilizing muscles they bring into play.
Excellent advice Kathryn. I really enjoy reading your posts. They are very enlightening and informative. I've learned so much from you. I don't post often but I do read the forums every day and you and Aquajock are the best!

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