question about changing weight amounts


I am wondering to those of you who know this stuff so well (and there do seem to be quite of few of you, thank goodness). I am curious about changing the amount of weight that one uses for their workouts. For example, today I did GS Legs and I didn't feel as stong today as I did last time I did the workout so I used lighter weights. Is this okay or am I doing something that may be possibly backpedaling to a less strong me? I would appreciate any input. Thank you.
If you had to use lighter weights, it's possible you didn't give your muscles enough time to recover since the last time you did the workout (unless it was quite a while ago, and you might have lost some strength by doing other lighter-weigth workouts?). Or if you did a workout that tired your legs the day before (ie: one of the IMAX's, or Low Max), then your legs would be more tired than they were the last time you did the workout. Ideally, you should use the same weights, or increase in weights (every few workouts), but it doesn't always happen.
I agree with Kathryn.. Also keep in mind that there are different factors that can affect our energy level too, such as TTOM, enough sleep the night before, nutrition...It could be a number of things. Just keep at it and keep in mind, it's okay to back pedal every now & then.
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Interstitial Cystitis. It is a bladder disease also known as "shrunken painful bladder". I get up every hour at night to empty my bladder so I am tired a lot of the time.
Hi Tallchick,

I also suffer with IC and I wondered if you ever tried DMSO treatments or the drug Elmiron. I also had pelvic therapy to help with the pressure and pain. I've done much better with the discomfort since trying these treatments.
Were you diagnosed by having the bladder distension? I definitely feel your pain, it can be very trying and extremely uncomfortable. There were days I thought I was going out of my gourd. I've suffered with it since I was very young and I am now 47. Just in the past few years have I found a urogynecologist here in Louisville that has diagnosed my problem, and more importantly, helped.
I pray you find relief, let me know if there is anything I can do to help.
Hi Karen!
yeah, I have tried everything. I have a great doctor who has run everything possible. My IC is too severe to repsond. I am okay with it unless I have to stand in lines for any reason. I appreciate your help but it really doesn't bother me. I have read stories of those who were depressed about it, but that isn't a problem. I figure I have it and it isn't going to go away so it isn't worth stressing over. It would be great not to have to carry diapers everywhere just in case I can't find a bathroom though!

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