Question about Cathe's January rotation


I have Shock Cardio, but not STS Strength. I wanted to try the rotation Cathe posted for January - is there anything that will substitute on the weight days??

I have Gym Styles, Barry's Boot Camp (has workouts for different body parts), and all of Cathe's total body workouts.

I'm not too familiar with STS strength so I'm not sure what, if any, workouts would be similar to subsitute.

Thanks for your help!!
I think the Gym Styles would stand in very well - STS has different combinations of exercises, but it's basically a 3-day split (I think - isn't that right?) so if you have GS and some of her other workouts you ought to be able to design a similar plan.

Meso 1 is endurance-focused, so workouts like Muscle Endurance or Gym Styles might substitute well there. Meso 2 and 3 are about lifting progressively heavier, so maybe stuff like 4DS (if you have it) or Slow & Heavy might stand in for those workouts. Or you could mix & match (that way you'd be "doing something different every day" - just like STS).


I think I'll try Gym Styles then. I just wasn't sure if that would be an appropriate sub, but it sounds like it would be okay.

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