question about calf muscles

Hi Cathe,

I have a question regarding soreness in the calf muscles. A day or two after I complete a thorough leg workout like GS Legs, I get DOMS in the top area of the calf muscles near the back of the knee. Do you suppose this could be due to general weakness and a need for strengthening? Or maybe just poor form during the workout? I would appreciate any advice.

Thanks for your help, and thanks to you and your staff for your hard work! You are an inspiration and a great role model! Thank you!

Hi Renee,
I'm not Cathe, but my calves do the very same thing. They get really sore in that same area and they stay sore for like 3 days after the workout. I've had them hurt so bad that it was painful to walk. Of course it's a hurt so good feeling.;)
After doing the GS legs workout with the calves, they hurt so bad for several days.

Not Cathe... but i have the same thing happen to me after GS Legs. It has gotten better after doing the workout several times, but there is just something about that workout! I've also found that if i wear heels the day after that workout, the soreness is worse, my theory: probobly because the muscle is in a shortened position and tightens up more. But when i wear tennishoes the day after, my calves seem to stretch more and be a little less sore.
As an exerciser who is relatively new to Cathe's special brand of torture, ;) I have found that the only way I can mitigate DOMS in the upper calves 24-48hrs post workout is to do Stretchmax. It is a little slice of heaven, and I regard it as a well deserved treat after any of her workouts.

Butt kicking exercise is important, but thorough stretching afterwards is just as important to prevent injury and/or unnecessary muscle contraction.

Take heart!

it's not you, it's the workout!!!

GS legs has a particularly vicious little calf section and even seasoned exercisers, such as myself, used to doing Cathe calf work, still get DOMS from this calf section! And yes, it may be still there 3 days later.....


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