Question about a defective video


Hi everybody. I just wanted to ask you how long does it normally take to get a reply from customer service regarding a defective video? I was so heartbroken when I popped my recently ordered IMAX2 in last night for the first time and all I got were fuzzy, black and white only images that flipped constantly!! I sent the email to support services this morning and just wanted to know how long I should wait - I'm anxious because I want to learn and workout to IMAX2!!!!


One time I called customer service about changing my order and they left were going to call me back. Never heard back from them. A month later, I emailed them, and I got a response about 8 hours later that same day.
I had this problem last month with PUB, it took two days for them to phone me (I called in) and then another 6 days to get it replaced. I dont like the fact that there is not a live person that handles these problems and you wait for a response. But I love Cathe, so what are you gonna do??:7
I sent them another email on Tuesday and did get a reply. They said they would replace the video and apologized for the problem!!!

Now, all I have to do is wait patiently for my IMAX2!!!!!


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