Quad endurance - which video?


Every summer I do a 20 mile bike race with my husband and a bunch of his male friends. I am one of the only females who does the race and am proud of my cardio state throughout, however, there is a particular hill that all of the guys ride up but that I have to walk up! I want to ride it this year. Which video do you suggest for building up quadriceps endurance? Thank you!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-23-02 AT 09:41PM (Est)[/font][p]I recommend CTX: Leaner Legs(sorry I said Lean Legs the first time hehe!). Ouch!!!
Since I don't have the LL video, I'll recommend PS Legs & Abs. I did it just this morning and I'm still feeling those calf raises and floor work! The lower body segments in Pour Hour is some pretty tough endurance too

I have both Leaner Legs and PS and I am sure Leaner Legs will build more endurance. BodyMax would be good if you already have it, but I wouldn't buy it just for quads.
Leaner Legs; Power Hour. Also, don't forget the leg work in MIS--I recently did that after a layoff of it--it got me!!
climbing: more than quads, more than leg

Please don't just focus on quad strength. Even if you're climbing out of the saddle, you pull the pedals up with your hamstrings & glutes. For a seated climb (which suits most riders), push back in the saddle & drive with your hamstrings & glutes. I feel that flat terrain burns the quads & hills burn my hamstrings & glutes.

Now for some secret weapons:

Road cyclists are taking a cue from dirt riders & working on upper body strength.

Core (torso) body strength is essential to strong climbs. So make stablization work a part of your fitness routine (Pilates, a fitness ball, Cathe's killer planks, etc.). Power Hour & S&H have a lot of stabilization work (forward tilts, etc).

Ultimately, the only way to climb strong is to ride a lot of hills. On the bike:

Hill repeats! Up & down, staying aerobic (not anaerobic) while climbing. I do 4-7 repeats on a moderate hill, then climb a very steep hill (in my granny gear) to finish.

Check your breathing when climbing. If you're not breathing from the diaphram, you've got some more off the bike work. Try some Tai Chi, yoga or Pilates.

It's a lot isn't it? But it's such fun to spin past others on the way up a hill!

RE: climbing: more than quads, more than leg

I totally agree Debra it is exhilerating! I have pretty stong hammies, but I will work on my core and my breathing. Your advice was wonderful I can't wait for the summer! thanks again to everyone - I just received my Cross Train Xpress in the mail -please wish this first time Cathe user luck!
RE: climbing: more than quads, more than leg

DebbieH, don't you usually call it Meaner Legs? I did it yesterday. Definitely a quad killer!
Yes, Bobbi!

Cathe is not one of my favorite friends when I do this tape! ;-) Gotta love it though. I guess ya' gotta get MEAN to get LEAN! As a matter of fact, it's on my rotation tomorrow! YIKES, wish me luck.:7 (Hey, Bobbi, where's your flower?)

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

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