Qs about HIIT and Circuits

1. According to Cathe, "Each of the routines will focus on using high or low impact floor workouts or workouts involving the step."

I'm wondering since there will be 3 workouts, will one workout be purely 20-25 minutes of hi-lo/floor cardio, another workout will be 20-25 minutes pure step? Or will you be combining both hi-lo/floor cardio and step on each 20-25 minute workout?

2. Will Skills and Drills be using a step? I have a feeling (correct me if i'm wrong :)) that Gym Jam will be using a step (since it was mentioned that various home gym exercise equipment will be used.)
I'm not so fond of step so I hope that most of the HIIT workouts doesn't use one. Or if there is a HIIT step workout, hope there are modifications for those who don't want to use a step.

I'm also hoping Skills and Drills doesn't use a step either. :p

Anyway, hope to hear from Cathe or SNM. :)

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