Q for those without a barbell rack/bench


Ok, so I just did disc 13 and I can see that I need a rack for the bench presses. It felt like a w/o just lifting the barbell and then lying down with it. I felt like I would injure myself, but I tried to really use good form. I ordered the strength tower but that won't be shipped for a while.
For those of you who don't have a bench and rack, what are you doing?
I know that as I get to weeks 2-4 and especially meso 3, I will not be able to lift the weight I should use.


I used DB's instead of a BB. They work the muscles a bit differently, but since I was consistent throughout the program, I don't think I missed out on anything. And one of the background exercisers (Deazie?) always used DB's for chest & triceps too, so I think it's ok.
It felt like a w/o just lifting the barbell and then lying down with it.


:) I know what you mean! I simply lifted what I could and didn't worry too much, but that's because I really don't like working chest all that much :confused: The idea of DBs is a good one, also, someone suggested that the weight can be held in a static hold for a while
Yes, I was thinking that I would use DBs but I wanted to do the program as Cathe does it.
However, I think I might do better with DB. I wish the strength tower was ready :(

Yes, I really felt I would have been able to do better with a rack as well, but I'm not sure if I'm maybe just fooling myself. I have one week left of meso 3 to finish up the program, and I did have to go less than what I was supposed to in week 3 (90% of 1RM), but, I was still heavier than I had been previously, so..... you might surprise yourself and find that you're able to do better as the program progresses.

good luck!

I agree with you on that one. I felt like I got a bicep workout in the process. By the time I got to the end of Meso 2, getting the heavy weights up in place just to even start began to be a huge issue for me and I think I started to lose out on the benefits. Not sure what I'm going to do for Meso 3 :(


It felt like a w/o just lifting the barbell and then lying down with it.

I managed up to 82 pounds without a rack, which shows I could have lifted much, much more with a wrack. I also had my DH spot me sometime, so you could get a spotter.
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I used my step instead of a bench and dumbbells instead of a barbell. It must have worked because I could feel it for 2 days afterwards EVERY TIME I worked chest. I think the trick is to make sure you push heavy enough weights for you.
I live alone so a spotter isn't possible. But, for those using DBs do you use the same suggested weight for BB. Example, if you should use 50lbs for BB bench press do you use 2 25lb DBs or do you find that you can go heavier?
I live alone so a spotter isn't possible. But, for those using DBs do you use the same suggested weight for BB. Example, if you should use 50lbs for BB bench press do you use 2 25lb DBs or do you find that you can go heavier?

Definitely not heavier for me. I start with the BB cut in half, and adjust down as needed. I believe Cathe once said that we could go heavier with a BB because of the way the weight is distributed.
Here's what I did without a rack:

#1 brew coffee
#2 take coffee upstairs and set on your husband's nightstand
#3 shake husband vigorously until he stirs
#4 offer freshly brewed coffee
#5 tell husband to get downstairs and spot you!!

Repeat four times for Meso 2 and four times for Meso 3 and I guarantee that a bright & shiny new rack will miraculously appear!:D
I tried to use the same weight as I would for a BB and just half like you said. I do think that I probably could have gone heavier with a BB just b/c of weight distribution. But, since I don't have a BB and rarely use one, that's simply a guess on my part.


I live alone so a spotter isn't possible. But, for those using DBs do you use the same suggested weight for BB. Example, if you should use 50lbs for BB bench press do you use 2 25lb DBs or do you find that you can go heavier?
I have a rack but in the future I will use a spotter for chest press and incline work. I found I can lift heavier when I have a spotter.... lifting the really heavy weight off the weight rack while lying down put too much stress on my shoulders and a spotter was very helpful for that.

Brenda in Indiana
just like everyone else..

For meso 2 I used db. I almost finish meso 3, I have a bar, I tried really hard to get it over, I don't have a spotter or the rack, but just like every one else w/o any help I managed and I got my heavy up to 64, now I know that I can get more heavy. So next time I will get some help and I'm pretty sure I can lift more..

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