Q for Honeybunch "legs...


...or anyone who can advise about BTR
1. Is it safe on knees? & 2. Can you really get a good lower body workout by skipping lower body free weight and doing BTR in Cathe's workouts? 3. If so how do you work it in? Do you just whip out the BTR say during squats or lunges?

May God you always a sunbeam to warm you... a moonbeam to charm you...& a sheltering angel, so nothing can harm you :)
I just got mine 2 weeks ago, and I absolutely love it!!!! Yes, you just whip it out during lunges and squats. It is very hard to understand when you do not have one, and I still did not understand it when I got mine. But some one posted me directions and now I use nothing else!!! It is all about feet placement, and my knees feel so much better since I have been using this. I am going to measure in about 3 weeks, I am sure I will have some good results.
Lori S.
I have had a different experience with mine (for those that will quesion, yes I watched the tape & yes, I've tried every position imaginable!). I have severe knee pain after using the B&TR for a couple of days after using it. I can step & do tall box step ups all day long & my knees never hurt. In fact, I run & my knees don't hurt. 5 minutes on this torture device & my knees are SCREAMING.
I've had mine a couple of weeks and I am really enjoying it. Ihave a knee that always gives me problems but the B&TR is awesome! I've been able to do squats and lunges without knee pain. I was alittle concerned after reading that it did make some people's knees hurt but I think it's a great piece of equipment. Perfect form everytime and no pain. I can't speak of any results though as I'm 7 months pregnant and still continuing to grow:) but I've found I can really concentrate on working my lower body with the B&TR.
RE: Check this out

Thanks for the link. I can't believe how much the rock-it cost! I bought the Body by Jake BTR it's a bargain. I started using it for 3 min. a day everyday. I'm starting to think I may do it every other day. I feel sore and I'm only using 2 10lb. bands. Does anyone else use it this way (I do not use it for cardio)?
About the knees...

My knees felt a little twingy using this, but I'm wondering if I have my BTR adjusted properly for my height. I've tried to follow the instructions but I'm not sure I've got the 'length' of the base right. I'm thinking if I have it too short then maybe that is why my knees feel it. I'm 5'6" and I am a little short waisted, so my length is not in my body but in my legs. On what 'hole' should I have the base? (Oh boy, re-reading, I see I could use some help with communication skills.)

RE: About the knees...

OK, what is a BTR and where do you get it? I did ME this morning and I really feel it in my knees and I wear 2 knee wraps on each leg.
RE: Check this out

Yes, the Rock-it is extremely expensive. I think it's bigger and heavier than the B&TR, but the resistance is still provided by bands.
I wonder if they have heavier bands than the B&TR.
RE: About the knees...

BTR is Bun & Thigh Rocker. It is a Body by Jake piece of equipment. It is quite an ingenious design and folds up quite small - considering. I purchased mine from shopnbc.com. It was on sale and very cheap - 38.95 or something like that + shipping. The total cost was about $56 if I remember correctly. I have not used it overly much as the intensity series arrived at my house shortly after the BTR did and I got caught up in that. The only disadvantage to buying it from shopnbc is now I get about 3 or 4 ads per day in my email - junk. It is annoying. I have never gotten around to contacting them and asking them to stop. so I don't know if they will or not.

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