Q about birth defects testing


At my 16 week checkup next week they're going to do a blood test for birth defects - spina bifida, down's syndrome, other neural tube defects, etc. My doc said this test is optional and since she told me about it I've been hearing some scary things about this test! I've heard there's so many false positives that it can freak you out for no reason. Does anyone have an experience to share about this test? I can't remember exactly what the test is called.
There are lots of false positives.

I have a friend who went through that. Her daughter is just fine, but they did have a scary few weeks. I think they then had an ultrasound and amnio because of the results. I have had the afp twice, and had no problem with it either time, and would do it again with any pregnancy. There is no test that is safer for the baby than that one, so it seems pretty risk free in that respect. If you have bad results, you can deal with that then. I'd go from there, depending on what you might do under the worst possible circumstances. I think that if you are pretty certain of your dates, that minimizes the chances of bad results. There is a very good chance that you will have great results, and all this worry will be for nothing.
AFP testing

I had the AFP done with my first child and it was fine. With both her little sisters I skipped it because I had no maternity insurance to pay for it and I knew that no matter what it said I couldn't change anything and WOULDN'T do anything. If it came back increased there is no way I was going to abort or anything. So why take the test? There does seem to be a high rate of false positives. Just think it through. What will you do if it is high? --decide that BEFORE you get the test. If the answer is "nothing but stew for the next 6 months", skip the test! Funny that I didn't have it with my two littler girls because they both DO have a birth defect! --but not one the AFP would picked up anyway. So what good would it have done?

If you feel like you would get information from the test that would be helpful to you, do it. If you don't, don't.
Alpha-Fetal Protein (AFP) Test

I have 2 healthy children and did not have the AFP test with either of them. It is a risk free blood test that checks for blood levels that may indicate the baby has spina bifida, down's syndrome or other neural tube defects. If the levels come back high, you can opt for further testing such as an amniocentisis. I have had lots of friends have had false positives and then their fears were alleviated when the amnio came back OK. This test is NOT mandatory, but many docs will pressure you into it. They tell you it is so you can prepare yourself if something is wrong with the baby. If you wouldn't have an abortion, I don't understand the reason for the test (personally) which is the reason I have never had one. I don't know how you can prepare yourself for having a baby with a birth defect anyway. For me, I would rather not worry and fret my entire pregnancy but just deal with any problems once the baby is born. There are lots of things that can go wrong when you give birth and there is no way to prepare for all of them. Another reason I didn't have the test with my other 2 children is because I was under age 35 where the risk of Down's is much lower. I am now 6 months pregnant with my 3rd and am 37 but still opted not to have the test. I will take whatever God gives me. There is a risk with an amnio and I was not willing to take any risks with this baby if the test came back with a high reading. This is just the way I feel, I am sure everybody has a different opinion. The best thing for you to do is get very informed and then make the decision. GOOD LUCK.
there is an advantage

...to having this test. It can help you plan for any special challenges that you may experience during birth and be prepared physically and mentally for any possible challenges you may have with the baby. Also, spina bifida has been treated while in utero (I can't remember how the results have been-but as I remember when reading about the procedure and outcomes it seemed positive). If that is possibly detected and could be treated in utero, it could help avoid any disability in the child. I've never had any children (yet), but I'm a health care provider and help people decide what testing to do and how to interpret the results. I, personally, would not consider aborting a child with special challenges either, and am not in favor of unnecessary testing esp. when it could be risky. But a simple blood test (done at the right time during pregnancy) that could help you prepare or treat the baby is worth it IMHO.

good luck with your pregnancy!
Thanks for the perspectives

Hi Everyone - Thanks for your input & perspectives on this test. I'm still mulling over what I want to do, and you have given me food for thought. This is a great forum - I value your opinions.

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