Pyramids & other DVDs


Active Member
Hello to you all. I'm a newbie who thinks that she may have bitten off more than she can chew :eek: . I have BS/BF and just bought LM and PUB/PLB. I still find BF a tough w/o, and after watching the new ones that I got, I think I'm in trouble! I need help with deciding what DVDs to get next. Anyone have any opinions to share? I would like to start a rotation with what I already have, at least until I get the next ones you guys suggest ;-) . I would like to know how to use the Pyramids to get both endurance and strength, and would I alternate these two kinds every week or is that too much switching?
Please help me with a rotation since I am NOT creative/knowledgable enough to make one myself. Sad but true ;(
I think Timesavers are very good for someone new to Cathe, also Cross Train Express (CTX). I too started out with BS/BF and also was a bit overwhelmed. Timesavers and CTX have rotations built right in to them. Just do one a day, however, I previewed and practiced the cardio segments until one day I could do them in their entirety. CTX is still one of my very favorites. I have the Pyramids (just got it last week), so have not gotten to use much, yet.

Hi! You've got some good workouts! Before your question can be answered, it's helpful to know how much time you have to workout each day, and how many days per week you want to do it.

LowMax is a terrific, advanced workout, but you can make it more newbie-friendly by doing the premixes for a while. The step-only (not blast) premix would be a terrific workout for you right now, if you're finding BF to be a challenge. When you get comfortable at that level, you could try the premixes that do only half the workout at a time.

The pyramids are extremely effective for both strength and endurance. Just go very light with your weights right now. There is also a "bonus" total body premix on that dvd that incorporates only the up-pyramid segments from both the upper and lower body workouts. That might be a good one to start with.

I would recommend that you get Cathe's other beginner/intermediate dvd called "High Step Circuit" (don't get this mixed up with her other high step workouts that are much more advanced). The high step workouts are really different in nature than her other workouts, and quite a lot of fun. For me personally, they spice up my rotations.

I also agree with the other poster that Timesaver is a fantastic dvd, with 5 workouts that can be used as their own rotation. And I would rank them as intermediate.

Hope this helps,
Aww, thanks you guys :7 . You've, been tremendously helpful. Good ideas! As for time and days to do it, I can usually do every day for 1hr - 2hr except for Mon & Thur which I can spare only 30 min - 1hr. Sat & Sun I can do more than 1 - 2hr if required.

I'd have to chime in with Jeanette. I think the TimeSaver or CTX DVD would be a good start and build you up gradually to the tougher workouts.

Have fun!:7
Oh! Almost forgot! I also have Kathy Smith Kickboxing DVD and like that one. I have only done it a few times yet (3) since I'm loving Cathe step so much. If possible could I work that into a rotation with the others? I would like to get a Cathe kickboxing w/o but don't know what to get. Also, when you ladies say "CTX DVD" do you mean the entire CTX series or a specific DVD in that collection?
Hi! Me again. Thanks for the extra info. Here's an idea for a 3 week rotation you might like to try. I tried to create as much variety as possible, given the workouts you have. If you find you need more rest days than this, then just insert one where you need it, and pick up where you left off. And of course, you don't have to start your week on Monday, or end it on Sunday. Adjust to suit yourself.

Week 1:
MON Basic Step & Abs add-on
TUES Body Fusion; PLB stability ball work
WEDS Kathy Smith Kickboxing
THURS Low Max step-only premix (no blasts); BS Abs add-on
FRI Basic Step & Upper Body add-on
SAT Body Fusion cardio sections only (skip the weight work); BS Lower Body add-on; PUB stability ball work (don't do the pikes if you're not ready for them)
SUN rest

Week 2:
MON Low Max premix Intervals 1-4
TUES Pyramid Upper Body
WEDS Kathy Smith Kickboxing
THURS Pyramid Lower Body
FRI Low Max premix Intervals 4-7
SAT Body Fusion
SUN rest

Week 3:
MON Kathy Smith Kickboxing
TUES Pyramid Bonus Workout (upper and lower body combo)
WEDS Basic Step; PUB stability ball work
THURS Body Fusion cardio only; BS Upper body add-on
FRI LowMax step-only premix; BS Lower body add-on
SAT Kathy Smith Kickboxing
SUN rest

People are referring to the entire CTX series. It's excellent, and full of variety. It's extremely versatile.

Cathe's most popular kickboxing workout appears to be Kick, Punch & Crunch. The dvd also comes with Legs & Glutes on it, which is a terrific lower body workout. The premixes that combine KPC and LG are just excellent.

On the Open Discussion forum there is a Daily Check-In thread that you are welcome to join, if you want to keep us informed on how you're doing. It sometimes helps to know that there are people who are actually interested in how your workout went :)

All the best,
Thank you very much Sandra. You have no idea how helpful you've been. I felt like I was just kind of wandering around, doing this w/o or that, without having any real course of action. This will help me immensely with getting a routine going so that I can actually practice "muscle confusion", which of course is hard to do if you don't even have a routine to shake up ;) .

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