Pyramids or Push Pull & Superset?


I can't decide which on to get PUB&PLB or PP&SS? I have looked at the clips and they both look good. Could someone tell me the difference between them and which one they think is better.


I have both but I have to say the Pyramids are my favorite. I've gotten very good results using those. The PP/SS I don't use that often because the numerous equipment changes are kind of a pain in the ***.:) Not to say that they aren't good workouts...

Just my two cents.

Agree Pyramids are great. I actually like SS and PP now as I've taken a long time off due to some family issues. They are good for getting back into it or if you need an easier workout.
i LOVE the Pyramids. I have them all, but the Pyramids as produced give me a killer workout and DOMS. PP & SS do not. I do like PP & SS for non killer workout days or to use the premixes. But if I HAD to choose I would buy the Pyramids.
Please....what in the world is DOMS? I've seen it numerous times on these forums and keep thinking it will come to me, but.....I know it must have to do with sore muscles after a workout, but what do the letters actually stand for???
I agree that the Pyramids are probably more effective, but PushPull/Supersets is a good change of pace because both workouts make good use of the stability ball. Hey, either way you can't go wrong!;-)
I also say go for the Pyramids -- they are a lot less boring than push and pull -- to me, the time just flies with Pyramids.

I did do the push and pull section of Hardcore Muscle video last evening, but I much prefer doing pyramids.

Oddly, the Pyramids were the workout from that series that I dreaded and did last -- but after doing Pyramid workouts, I like them more than any other type of weight training.

But I still see value in Push and Pull and also in Muscle Endurance, Muscle Max (the one from the Hardcore series), MIS, and the other all muscle training videos -- that hit all the muscle groups in one video.
I have both, but like the Pyramids better. Although PP/SS are shorter
which is nice to have for those days you are not up to something
intense. They are both great though, I really like the music
in the Pyramids.

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