Pyramid upper body exercises



I own s&h and pures strength. I am not a great fan of pure strength so I was looking to buy something else to alternate with s&h (which I think is fantastic by the way).

What do you think of pyramid upper body? I looked on the website but I cannot find out how many exercises she does per body part and which ones she does. Does anyone know what they are because I would like to see if they are exercises I know i like before i buy it.

Does anyone have an opinion which is the best dvd for muscle definition?

Many thanks
I love this workout and always feel it the next day. She does reps of 12 w/ light weight, 10 w/ mid weight & 8 w/ heavy and then back down the pyramid. As far as exercises, they're all pretty standard - chest presses, fly's, lat pull downs on the bench (love those!), bent rows, bicep curls/hammer curls (wow, these are hard!), tricep kickbacks/ overhead press, front raises, side raises, and a really difficult ab section with the stability ball - I'm still trying to master those pikes! This w/o uses dumbells only which I also really like. You won't regret adding this to your collection:)
CurlyQ said it perfectly. I think that PUB is an ABSOLUTE MUST HAVE! Obviously, I too love this workout and always feel it the next day.

Here's another yes vote for PUB. I LOVE it! And, like everyone else, I always know I've worked out after this one.

Best wishes,
In fact, I did it this AM & definitely felt it! I too love this workout & I am doing a rotation right now using S&H and Pyramids alternating.

You won't regret getting this one!

Ruth :)
Thank you everyone for your replies.

I will definitely get this one.

Ruth, would you mind telling me how you rotate the two videos. :)

Thanks very much :)
Hi Andrea,

I'm doing a 12 week rotation with the first 3 weeks S&H (each tape done once a week) with the accent on the positive as originally done. Then 3 weeks of Pyramids...each done once a week also, plus a full body workout, usually Power Hour. Then three weeks of S&H again but with the accent on the negative. Then 3 weeks of Pyramids/PH. I modified this from what I intended to do which was a little more complicated because when the second 3 weeks came around I wanted to do Pyramids & needed a break from S&H. So:

Weeks 1-3
Mon. Cardio
Tu. S&H C&B
Wed. Cardio
Th. S&H L&S + Cardio (this is my day off so I have extra time)
Fr. Cardio
Sat. or Sun. S&H T&B + Cardio

Weeks 4-6
Mon. Cardio
Wed. Cardio
Fr. Cardio
Sat. or Sun. Power Hour + Cardio

Weeks 7-9 Repeat Weeks 1-3 with accent on negative
Weeks 10-12 Repeat Weeks 4-6

I've done this rotation, or one very like it, twice before...the first time I saw really great strength gains, & the second time it helped me break through a plateau.

HTH...have fun whatever you do!
If you are not a great fan of strenght training why don't you try an endurance workout as ME ?If you have S &H and PS you have enough strenght workouts. I love PUB but I think is great to do endurance too as Power Hour or ctx split upper body.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie. :)
I love the Pyramids. You get a lot done and the Pyramid Up premix is a really nice option. Unlike the new releases...when you chose this premix the footage for one set doesn't just repeat itself 3 times. ( That's because originally there were 5 sets in the main workout )The PLB workout is my fave Cathe leg workout. No hovers or pulsing squats or lunges. Floorwork is excellent.
I actually think CTX Upper Body is Cathe's toughest upper body workout. It is endurance oriented, but you'll get strength gains too.

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