Pyramid Up only?


Hi, everyone--

I've been thinking about just doing the up sequence of PUB and PLB and not bothering to pyramid back down. I think I've read that a few of you have been doing that. If you have, what have your results been? I love these workouts, but I'm getting a little bored with all those reps of the same exercise. Plus, I'm wondering if there's much more benefit to doing all the extra reps at the lower weight. Ok, maybe I'm just being lazy and hoping that I don't have to do all of it and can still get good results :p !

Thanks for any thoughts you might have! :)

I love doing Pyramid Up only! I never do the workout in its entirety anymore for the same reasons you stated. I go as heavy as possible because I know it will be a nice short workout. Plus, I have more strength to tackle that killer ball work! My arms are usually sore the next day so I know I've worked them. I'm not one to stick to any rotation for too long so I can't tell you about results, but I'm pretty defined in my upper body.
I've done the "pyramid up" premix for upper body several times, and the lower body once. I think it's an excellent workout as is (without the extra two "döwn" sets). The only thing to watch out for (and I had this trouble at first) is that if you've done the entire pyramid workout for a while, your mind and body may be so used to that that you don't really push enough when doing the "up-only" and reserve some strength for the last two sets that never come.

Do you have the DVD? They "up-only" is already available on it as a premix, so no fast=forwarding required!
I'm one who does pyramid up only. Doing pyramid up only allows me to lift heavier and make the workout more strength than endurance. I've seen this approach recommended for people who have a hard time gaining muscle.

If I push myself and lift as heavy as possible on the third set, I feel like I get a great workout!


Thank you both! This is exactly what I wanted to hear! :7 And I was thinking that I could probably go a little heavier and really give it my all if I weren't trying to save that last bit of energy for the down cycle.

And yes, I do have the DVD, so it will be nice and easy to do the up only part!

Thanks again!

Thanks, Angela! I'm definitely trying this with PLB tonight! Maybe I won't feel like I'm going to pass out now when the ball work comes along (ok, that's probably too much to ask! :p )

Another way I've changed the pyramid workout (upper body) is to do the "down=only" using what is usually my "middle" weight throughout. Ie: for biceps, I usually use 10, 12 and 15#. When I do this version of the workout, I use 12# throughout. It's a bit light to start (8 reps), then is about right (10 reps) then a bit heavy (12 reps). Just something I saw mentioned by some body builder.
I do Pyramid Up quite a bit and sometimes Pyramid Down. I like doing this going as heavy as I can. I think it is a great way to change up your routine. And then when you go back to doing the entire pyramid it is amazing how different that feels and you are shaking up your routine again. Love the pyramid workouts!:7
I do Pyramid Up only too, heavying up as much as I can. Since I allot an hour or a little more for my workouts, this allows me to add on some yoga or a short cardio without having too long of a workout.

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