Putting muscle back on as fast as possible?


I have probably asked this before, but indulge me again. K?

I need to beef up the muscle pronto cuz my whole body composition has changed with a huge net fat gain d/t a huge net muscle loss. Trying to get really fit again. I have been hiking and doing mild cardio but my #1 goal right now is packing muscle back on (even if I don't get smaller doing it) to help me burn more calories throughout the day and increase my stamina for cardio.

I have heard others talk about using S&H for muscle building but I know Cathe advocates using it for strength. I love how you can really focus on the muscles and feel them working in S&H, but I also now have the Gym Styles. I did Chest/Tri today and was thinking I was going to do each once per week for now.I am also thinking of doing Gym Styles one week, S&H the next. What do you think of this?

My question is.......if I am in the market of putting on muscle as fast as possible, would you use S&H or Gym Styles. If you have used each series with the goal of muscle building (not necessarily muscle definition), I would really like feedback on what worked best.

Thanks guys!}(

I really like both GS and S&H for muscle building and use them both for my major strength building rotations..

If you can commit to six days of strength training/week, I would suggest doing just one bodypart per day of Cathe's workout using either of the above tapes. And, go all out, no holding back. If you aren't wiped after working the bodypart, chances are you didn't use enough weight.

I would suggest on the weeks that you do S and H, you might want to add additional back work. Not sure what your body type is, but I personally think the back work is a bit light in this workout. ( However, I'm a pear and have a skinnier back, so I am forever trying to balance the "junk in the trunk" w/ more size on top.)

In GS, I usually do a bit more shoulder work, since I think the shoulder workout is a bit light for a one bodypart/day rotation. I like to add either the PS shoulder workout, or something more endurance based, ie the shoulder workout from CTX, or MM, or ME.

The rest of the bodyparts she covers in these workouts I think are challenging enough to stand alone as a one bodypart/day workout.

Also, I wouldn't switch every week at first. Work S and H for 3 weeks and then GS the next. Let yourself get form down really well before switching to the next series. Maybe after 8-12 weeks you can alternate each series by week.

JMHO, Lynn M.
Thanks Lynn.

I frown on doing one body part per day, atleast right now, because I am just beginning and I am afraid I don't have the discipline to do more than 3 days right now. I wanted to do 2 total body but I just don't feel like I get in enough that way. I will do GS first, 3 weeks or so, then go to S&H. Any more complicated than that and I am afraid I'll just give up!;)

I thought I posted this in Open forum. Ooops.

For three weeks, I have been alternating one week of Gym Style adding intense 45-50 minute cardio every other day with one week of S&H one body part a day with 1/2 hour of cardio a day. This is really agreeing with my arms. They look the best I've ever seen them!

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