<--put your hands on the wheel, let the golden age begin..

<---is thrilled with the militant non-intellectuals!!!
<---holds her fist in the air and chants Take it Back, Take it Back!
<---boom shak a lack a lacka
<---wonders if Melissa's butt can sing?
<---knows why the caged butt sings
<---butt seriously folks
<---is also thrilled to soon be part of the STS crowd
<---has been slowly doing her 1RM
<---is off today to recover from Saturday's concert and Sunday's dance recital
<---has to go do some important work - like sitting outside in the sunshine :D
<---convinces russian lady butt voice into a chorus of "Take it Back...Take it back!"
<---thinks butt singing is much better than the talking....
<---is giggling like an idiot now
<---knows why the caged butt sings
<---butt seriously folks


<---is ROTFL<---AO at Robin!!!
<---says only a true intellectual could come up with a Maya Angelou and a stand-up comic reference in one graceful swoop!!!
<---thinks Robin is too intellectual for us!!!!!
<--Heard some odd butt singing coming from this room...
<--Pops in to wave hi to the peeps!
<--Wishes you luck in the coup!
<--Is staying neutral, like Switzerland.
<--Is too tired to take anything back at the moment...
<--Is chasing a very speedy crawler all over the place.
<-- Hopes Miss Robin had a fabulous experience losing her JB concert virginity. :eek:
<-- Now is humming a very steamy JB song in <--'s head which <-- actually sang one drunken night at a Karaoke bar in Alabama. Don't ask.
<--Hopes yous all have a fabulous day!
<---wonders if Stepanie was humming Why Don't We Get Drunk and Screw?
<---^^^ is actually one of my least favorite Buffett songs, but it sure is easy to sing along too
<---also knows Jimmy wrote it as a parody of country songs
<---assures TeeTee that anyone who spells as poorly as me is NO intellectual
<---just has moments of inspiration
<---is laughing to herself for referencing Maya Angelou and Why Don't We Get Drunk and Screw in the same thread
<---waves Happy You-Know-what-day to all
<---has missed seeing all your smiling faces here :D
<---has also missed the butt singing :p
<---tells Robin they played Why Don't We Get Drunk and Screw at <---'s senior prom :cool:
<---assures Cat that it's okay she hasn't bought new clothes for the RT - <--- hasn't bought any either, and isn't really planning to
<---hopes all are having a splendiferous day... ciao!
<---sees Cat's wee wee and raises her an all the way home
<---:eek::eek::eek:at Emily's prom
<---heard Stairway to Heaven at hers, over and over and over and over
<---also has not bought any new clothes for the RT
<---thinks we can be the Smelley Old Work Out Clothes Club
<---here's to SOWOCC
<---thinks it's good Michele isn't coming - one wiff of us and she'd pass out, thinking she was at the musty mildewy cabin
<--can not believe that <--has her 25 year high school reunion this year
<--needs an extra hawt outfit to wear
<--was always the frumpy, ugly ducking
<---knows Cat has turned into the lovely swan
<---is sorry to read elsewhere that some folks don't like the <--thread
<---hopes everyone knows it IS NOT a clique and all are welcome
<---repeats Robin's words...WE ARE NOT A CLIQUE!
<---thinks we are pretty cool...tinfoil hats and all! :)

<---taking a break from our normal broadcasting to announce that Squidlet has posted more pix to her album...hear is a sneak peak:


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<--pops back in to voice <--'s disappointment that <-- is not part of a clique. :mad:
<--always wanted to be. darnit. :mad:
<--LOL at Evily's prom soundtrack. Oh my! :eek:
<--Tells Robin yes, she guessed the right song. And no I have NEVER gone back to a Karaoke bar. :eek:
<--Thinks Cat will be the belle of the ball at her reunion!! :cool:
<--Is totally jealous of all you road trippers. :( One day...
<--Must skeedadle now and make homemade lemonade for the kids. Gotta get them sugared up for their dad who is taking them to the pool tonight. *evil laugh*:p

<--Thinks Melissa's fur babies are beautiful!!
<--Is TERRIBLY tempted to post a thread entitled "I have a rash on my right middle finger" in Robbin's honor.
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<--is ROTFLMAO at Stephanie's "rash on the middle finger"
<--absolutely loves youse people
<--says we are not a clique
<--we are a cult :p
<--there's a big difference :rolleyes:
<--just realized some here might take that comment seriously
<--hopes no one round here takes anything <--says too seriously
<--see sig line
<--says except that <--loves you all(that was serious)
<---just wanted to pop in since <--- has never been in a <--- thread before
<---although <--- has enjoyed reading them for the last 3 years :D
<---was happy to see threads come back two days in a row
<---despite lurker status, doesnt think its a clique kind of thread at all :)
<---thinks all the peeps that post in the thread are great in all their "non-intellectual" state :cool:
<---pops back out of thread ;)

<---tells Stephanie there is an ointment for that!
<---thanks Mary for popping in and getting it
<---says this thread is just a fun way to keep in touch with others with similar interests re:Cathe and her marvelous workouts
<---waves hello to littlefiretop!
<---loves your avatar!!!
<---hopes to see you around more, Mary!!!
<--Wonders if we should change the name to the CAL instead ("cult of the arrow ladies). :D
<--Says instead of shaving our heads and handing out flowers at the airport whilst chanting "hare hare" we could give out Cathe info and chant "cathe cathe" :p
<--Is a bit punchy from lack of sleep, please excuse. :confused:
<--Waves to MissMaryformerlurkernowmemberoftheOALturnedCAL. Hi! :)
<--Needs to go workout if Charlie will let me. CLX cardio is on the menu for tonight. :eek:
<--Wonders what rotations youse all are doing?

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