pushups in gs


New Member
Hello, this is the first time I have asked a question, and I'm not sure if I am doing this correctly. I have been doing the gs series since Jan'07 and the pushups have been difficult, but now they are even more difficult for me. I don't feel work in my chest, but great discomfort in my the front of my shoulders while executing movement. I use to do the first 2-3 sets (16, 14, 12) on my toes, but now can only do the first 16 on my toes, then I go to me knees for the rest. Any ideas what is going on? Thanks in advance for any feedback.

Not Cathe here, but maybe I can help.
Sounds to me like you are overworking your shoulders, and they are not getting enough time to recover.
If you do the chest/triceps and back/shoulders/biceps workouts on consecutive days, or too close together (for you), this could very well happen.
I suggest doing the GS workouts in the following way:
Day 1: Chest/triceps
Day 3: Legs
Day 5: Back/shoulders/biceps
(You can switch the chest and back workout days, but either way, this gives you at least two days 'off' between working shoulders on chest day (anterior delts--front shoulders--are also worked when doing chest work, as they help with pushing moves) and on back day.

Right now, I recommend taking a few days off from any shoulder or chest work, to allow the muscles to recuperate.

Of course, if the 'great discomfort' is actually 'pain'(especially in the joint) you may have an injury that needs professional intervention.

SJ - I've experienced similar issues - I get shoulder pain when doing flyes and this is a new occurrence for me. I personally think it is tied to too much time spent sitting at a desk (sometimes with poor posture) which is causing a decline in my shoulder girdle strength. Make sure you always sit and stand with proper posture to encourage those muscles to support the shoulder girdle properly. Be certain, as well, that you keep good form when doing your pushups. Don't let yourself "cave in" on your shoulders or hunch your shoulders. Keep a solid frame throughout. (many women unconsciously do the caving in thing, which places extra strain on the shoulder) Of course, keeping the core good and tight is another little secret. Also, you may want to try alternating sets (16,12,8, etc). This gives you a slight break in between, rather than burning the muscles totally out, to help you build up. Good luck!!
I'm getting the shoulder pain thing, also. I do the Hardcore Series workouts and I'm wondering if, when I'm lying on the bench doing bench presses and flyes, I'm raising/lowering my arms at a slightly incorrect angle and it's putting pressure on my shoulder joints(??). I've never been certain whether I should be lifting/lowering straight up (shoulders) or if I should bring it forward and lift/lower from the chest. I'm not sure which is right in either case or if I should lighten up on the weight or what. I did have a sharp pain in my right shoulder (real obvious on flyes!) only three days ago but it seems to be calming down now. When I feel pain on the moves I adjust now. Still, I'd rather know what's right before doing the wrong thing...
>I've never been certain whether I
>should be lifting/lowering straight up (shoulders) or if I
>should bring it forward and lift/lower from the chest.

When doing bench presses, the bar (or the 'imaginary bar' that would be made from linking the two dumbells together) should be over the nipple line, meaning that your elbows will NOT be straight out from your shoulders (a position that puts the shoulders in a compromised position) but also in line with the nipples. On flyes, make sure that your elbows don't go below the level of the step. You can practice this by doing them on the floor (making it impossible for you to go too low). Also, flyes are more of an isolation move for the chest, and it's normal to go lighter on them than on presses.
I want to thank all of you for your comments and suggestions! I apologize for not responding sooner, but I don't have a computer at home and I go to the library to get on-line. Also, I work 3rd shift, so I don't get on-line as often as I would like.
I have given my shoulders a break, and am going to space the gs workouts more than I have been. Also, I think I have been dropping my elbows below the step when doing flyes.
Thankyou again for everyones input!

sj (Sally)

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