push ups


Hi! Does anyone know how many push ups a 40 year old women should be able to do? What muscle do I have to streghten to be able to do push ups and the bomb diver push ups? Thanks!
According to the American Council on Exercise or ACE the average number of bent knee push ups for women ate 40-49 is 11-14. ACE designed the push up test for men to perform the push ups straight leg and women bent knee simply because men are naturally stronger.
The muscle that you need to strengthen is your pectorals or your chest as well as biceps and triceps which both work during the concentric, the upward motion and the eccentric the downward motion.
Bombdivers rely much more heavily on the back as well as superior deltoid, the top of your shoulder.
The anterior deltoid is also recruited during push-ups, especially when your trunk and legs are in a decline position.

This business of age and gender being the determinant of how many push-ups one should be able to do is nonsense. (Even if it came from ACE, from which I hold a primary certification.) I'm 46, and I normally can do between 40 and 50 straight-leg push-ups with my feet on an 8" or 12" elevation. And there is another Cathe fan (who, alas, no longer posts on this forum) who is in her 50's and within the past couple of years met her goal of belting off 100 "guy" push-ups.

Yes but unfortunately the number of aging adults that are able to do that number of bent knee push ups is slim when looking at the general population. It is the norm for aging adults to have things such as decreased bone mass, decreased muscle mass which are all going to affect overall strength.
I am a personal trainer and the people on this forum are the minority, the bulk of my clients are women ranging from 18-60's and I have yet to encounter one of those that was able to do the recommended number of push ups for their age, most women have such underdeveloped upper body strength that their range of motion is severely limited and aren't even able to go half way down because they will not be able to get back up.
If we do not use age what would you suggest. Of course if you did not like the push up test there are other measures of upper body strength but all those are categorized by age as well.
The chart is listed in the ACE Personal Trainer Manual, but I am sure that you would be able to find it on their website somehow.

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