You are gradually heading in the ddirection of building strength and muscle mass as your month progresses. Accordingly I do not recommend getting pussh/pull. A lot of people find it to insubstantial and only do it when using the "twice through" premix. With ME and MM you have enough endurance work, so I would recommend to you either the PS series/GS series or S&H.
PS, GS and S&H all focus on heavier weights to promote maximum strength building.
1. PS uses a more straightforward count, a gym style workout series featuring several different exercises per muscle group to fully fatigue the muscle.
2. GS uses a variety of heavy to moderate to light weights with pulses and different rep speeds which gives variety and a degree of endurance work to certain exercises. For the upper body sections and the floor work of the legs tape (cathe's best floorwork to date), Cathe uses the dynamband to include an endurance exercise for each muscle group, with poss exception of chest I believe. GS series feels new, fresh and modern. Is is widely considered to be an update on the PS series.
3. S&H features the slowest count on any Cathe weight training tape, an 8 count where all momentum is eliminated from the movement and all that's lifting that weight is your own muscle strength. I love the S&H series. It has promoted more strength, muscle mass and definition for my upper body than any other series. I also like the slow count and have no trouble focussing during each exercise.
With the PUB and PLB there is still a high degree of endurance work which fatigues the muscle before you can really get to your heaviest weight possible to see superior strength gains. I can lift much heavier with GS and S&H than I can with PUB.
I think a 3 part strength training series is really what is missing from your collection and your training. Your body would benefit from training in this way. I would recommend either the GS or S&H series for you at this time.