Push/ pull supersets, # of sets


I did this workout last night, just upper body, one set. I saw on the premixes you can do 2 or 3 sets. Do most people do this. I'm not really sore today. Any feedback is great.
I just did the Push/Pull upper body 3x premix for the first time on Monday and I'm still sore. Maybe one set wasn't enough.

I do think that the 2-3 set premixes (upper or lower body) are more advanced and effective than one set. Many people say that these two workouts are less advanced/intense than Cathe's other weight workouts, but the premixes take them up a level, IMO.
I did Push/Pull Lower Body 2 Sets premix yesterday and it was a very good 38 min. leg workout. The only thing I noticed (and maybe I confused the dvd player by rewinding when I needed more time to setup) was that it had actually 3 sets of lunges and leg presses but only 1 set of calf raises and shin exercises. It was fine by me because the extra lunges and presses really burned my butt! }(

The upper body premixes are one of my favorite for upper body. I was amazed at the results I got from the 2x upper body premix. After doing that a few weeks I moved on to the 3x and saw even more results.

I just did the premix w/ 3 sets of each exercise and my abs were the sorest part on me the next day (and the day after that!) But then I had been doing the GS series for a while so that may be why that particular premix did not make me very sore. do you have Pyramid Upper Body? I borrowed it from my SIL and the first time i did it my biceps hurt for at least 2 days after! it is an awesome workout!!!!
anyway, to answer your question, i find that doing only one set is not enough for me. i need way more than that to get a good workout.

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