Push pull question


Does anyone know yet what the rep range will be in the new push pull workout? Just wondering whether this is going to be strength or endurance orientated.


Thanks for the link, but Cathe doesn't mention rep range. Maybe someone can answer when they get the VHS video.

Hi Sharon,

I did push pull this morning. I would definitely say go higher on the weights. It is not an endurance workout. I really love this tape. It is a great full body work out in a short time period. I don't think you will get the kind of strength gains you would with S&H or the Pyramids, but it is great for hitting all the muscle areas in a short period of time. I'll probably use it for a "maintainence" type of workout (if there is such a thing). Love the music! Very motivational IMHO! Hope this helps. Have a great day!


I'm not sure exactly, but I believe it was ABOUT 16 reps per set, with only 1 set per exercise. Oops, wait a minute, I have my work-out log. Here's what I jotted down:

Barbell Squats regular with some low ends thrown in
Lunges with dumbells
Leg Press
Bench Press
Dead Row
Shoulder Press with dumbells or inverted pike shoulder press on stability ball (opted for regular shoulder press, pike press looks wicked;-)
1 arm row
Front raise
rear fly

I like how the stability ball was incorporated into this. i.e. the biceps curls were done with one leg on the ball. The flys were on the ball.There were more exercises on the ball but I didn't jot them down since I didn't need weights with them. I think 16 is a good average for the amount of reps for each exercise. Hope this helps.

I just wanted to clarify that the piked shoulder press mentioned above was actually done on the High Step (toes on the step, hands on the floor, butt in the air, head inverted and below the shoulders). Each of the exercises had about 16 standard reps with a few "bonus reps" attached to really get in the muscle. Again, because it is mostly one set per exercise, you are encouraged to go as heavy as you can when a weight is used. You may over or under estimate that weight the first workout or two but eventually you will find that perfect weight so that you really feel it with every set. Enjoy!
It was mentioned above that this workout would be used more for maintenance. It was mentioned on another forum that this workout would be used along with Super Sets as this Push Pull didn't have enough reps.
Well...I previewed Push Pull yesterday. Granted I didn't DO the tape yet, but all I can say is..if I'm in a dark alley and someone picks a fight with me...I want these girls with me and on my side.:)

Cathe uses a 40# barbell to do 16 fast, barbell rows, After...using that same barbell for other things. She uses a 25# dumbbell for lat rows and I believe a 15# dumbbell for bicep curls. These same bicep curls are part of a new move where you have one foot over a 3# dumbbell to isolate that leg. This gives you more quad work.

Maybe I was just tired last evening when I previewed this tape as I just did 3 hours of weight work. Yet I think if we use the same heavy weight that is used in this workout, for the most part, we will get a great and exhaustive run for the money. This Push Pull is a different concept than the usual type of weight work.
I'll know for sure when I actually do the workout. I plan to start a rotation next week after I preview all my vids.}( :p
I do imagine that the Premixes will combine this Push Pull with many many different ways to incorporate it in our workouts.
The videos are great. The DVD's will be awesome!:9
Wanda, you are a beast, girl!!!

Did you say THREE hours of weight work? And did you say "maybe" you were tired after that??

Oh honey, I bow at your feet! Wanda the Ironmaster!! :)

By the way, from all these descriptions I've read here and "elsewhere" I tend to agree with you about Push Pull. This wouldn't be maintenance for me at all, and I doubt that I could combine it with another tape and still strive to come close to the weights Cathe uses. As a matter of fact, it sounds like I'll have plenty to do for a while just working my way up to Cathe's weights. I still can't get past a 12 pound dumbbell on biceps (I can go a little heavier with my new beloved Troy Lite, but my wrists won't tolerate a 15-pound dumbbell) or a 20 pounder on lat rows(and I stay at 20 for maybe 15 reps, then drop to lower poundage for other sets.) Cathe's weights will certainly keep ME busy -- Not much to think about but a lot to do, as a famous wee person says! ;-)

http://e4u.deltait.com.au/sport/sport23.gif Kathy S.
RE: Wanda, you are a beast, girl!!!

I hear you Kathy on the weights. I just recently had been able to use the 15 pounders for the bicep curls in PUB. I do 2 sets of 8 with them now, just for grins. Hahahaha I thought I would NEVER be able to use those dumbbells. I still have trouble with the barbell curls in ME. I have to lower down Every time.
The fast reps Cathe uses in ME using 16 pounds for the lat rows, I'm ever so thankful when they are done. I can use 20 pounds for lat rows at a slower speed though. Now, do that with 25 pounds and I think we will be fried.
I've been using a 30 pound barbell for the barbell rows in ME, and that is 2 sets of 7 at the end. My brain is having a hard time convincing my muscles that we now have to do a fast set of 16 using 40 pounds.
}( }(
There are some new moves in this workout that I'm getting anxious to try. One is balancing one leg or foot on the ball and doing bicep curls(I think) Ah....as I sit here thinking I have already previewed this one...I need to quit talking about it and actually go DO it.

I'll check back in if I survive. If you guys don't hear from me soon, I'll be lying on my workout room's floor needing an EMT.
RE: Wanda, you are a beast, girl!!!

I'm BAAAAAACK as a certain new governor says. ;-)
I now have to agree more with Denise. Push Pull is a great all over workout. Yet for muscle building, don't throw out the Pyramids or Slow Heavy.
Tiny boned me, was able to do all the reps and use all the weight Cathe used. I can only think of 2 reasons why. 1. There aren't that many sets to work the muscles to exhaustion or 2. I've been training extra extra hard to get ready for this series...3-4 hours a day for the past month and a half.
I love this new workout and will use it often. 44 min is a bargain for a total body workout. Again, though, I can't wait for the DVD's and see and actually USE the Premixes with Push Pull.

Now I'm off to preview Kick Punch and Crunch. I'm anxious to see what ab work is included at the end. }(
Push Pull

I did Push/Pull this morning, only the upper body, and actually rewound and did it twice. It was a nice change of pace with the different exercises, I liked it. I think I would have to do it at least twice to get a decent workout. I used most of the weights that Cathe used. Anyone try the inverted shoulder press?

I am waiting for my DVD, so obviously haven't tried Push Pull yet. However, regarding the fact that there is only 1 set, many exercise experts think that most of the strength benefits of weight training come from the first set, and that subsequent sets mostly just burn calories. So, I think as long as you go heavy, one set should increase strength.

Also, from the list of exercises I've seen, it looks like each body part gets worked more than once, eg presses and flys for chest, and squats, leg presses and lunges all work most of the muscles in the thighs.

People have referred to the pyramids as a strength workout. I agree that they are really tough, but I think they are more endurance than strength workouts because each muscle doesn't really get a break before the next set (eg chest press straight into chest fly). In my opinion (again before actually seeing the tape), Push Pull could be more strength orientated because one muscle gets a break while the opposite muscle works, thereby allowing for heavier weights.

Anyway, I'm really looking forward to this one as I love full body weight workouts.

RE: Push Pull

I did Push Pull this morning and yes, I did the shoulder presses. Took me a few seconds to settle into the proper pike position, but they will definitely test your strength. I think Push Pull is a great shorter strength workout with plenty of core emphasis. Tomorrow I'm off to try Kick, Punch & Crunch!

(One other thing - I am positive there were two sets of 16 count leg presses! Yowsa! Then topped off with squats and lunges....)

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