This is the weights that Cathe uses in PP/SS .Barbara thank you very much for your mail with the weights.
DB CF: 1 x 15 Leg Press on stool holding DB between both hands
DB CF: 2 x 20 Bench Press on floor
BB CF: 40 Deadrows
DB CF: 2 x 15 Chest Flies On Ball
No weights Y’s on ball for upper back
DB CF: 2 x 8 (or none) Inverted Shoulder press with feet on bench or chair
DB CF: 1 x 25 One Arm Rows
DB CF: 1 x 12 Front raises on ball (shoulders))
DB CF: 2 x 5 or 7 Rear Delts raises on ball
DB CF: 2 x 12 Bicep Curls 1) Hammer
2) Trad. with foot on Ball
No weights Tricep Dips off bench
DB CF: 2 x 8 Tricep Kickbacks
No weights Supermans on ball
(lower back)
Abs Crunches with ball (very short segment)
Super Sets 53 minutes
Equipment: High Step, barbell, various weighted dumbbells, stability ball.
BB CF: 40 Squats
BB CF: 40 Deadlifts
BB CF: 40 Chest press on bench (includes pulses!)
DB CF: 2 x 5 Front/side raise on ball (continuous motion)
DB CF: 1 x 8 Abs - Wood chops w/ back on ball
Round One, Group B, repeats the body parts but uses different exercises:
BB CF: 35 Plier Squats
DB CF: 1 x 15 Pullovers on ball
DB CF: 2 x 15 Incline fly on ball
DB CF: 1 x 5 Rotator cuff side raises on ball
Abs Core roll outs on ball (no weight)
Round Two, Group A:
DB CF: 1 x 10 One leg squat w/ back leg on stool or step
DB CF: 2 x 15 Shoulders - seated overhead press
BB CF: 25 Biceps - preacher curls on ball
DB CF: 2 x 12 Triceps extensions on ball
Abs Core bike maneuver
Round Two, Group B, repeats the body parts but uses different exercises:
No equipment Legs - explosive lunges
DB CF: 2 x 3 Shoulders rear & front delt raises prone on ball
DB CF: 1 x 12 Biceps - concentration curls on ball
No weights Triceps - Seesaw tricep push ups on ball
Abs Side oblique crunches on ball
Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie.