Purist or Treadmill?


Cathe, do you run in the great outdoors or perhaps for time and connvenience do you run on a conveyor belt?

(Can you tell my bias?)

Yes I sure can :). I used to do more running outside but once I had my kids, that all changed. In the beginning it was great because Eric loved being the babyjogging stroller but when Kyle came along, he wanted no part of being strapped in that big purple three wheeler. Hmmm, come to think of it, that's probably why he isn't crazy about Barney either :7

On weekends it is easier for me to get out and run in the great outdoors since my husband is home. But most of the time I am limited to the "conveyor belt" :)
A few years back I wouldn't DREAM of running on a conveyor belt but like Cathe, that all changed when the kids came along. It was not possible to run outside much anymore. Now my feet, knees and hips thank me for relieving them of the constant pounding on the concrete (although I still get sore from the treadmill.) I used to run outside no matter what but I am a wimp now-can't stand being in the cold. I couldn't run on the conveyor if I didn't have the TV in front of me with my headphones on watching all those shows I tape. It helps to have a good treadmill too, which I do.

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