Pure Strength vs Slow & Heavy



Which of these two strength workouts do you guys like/use the most? It seems unnecessary to get them both...or am I wrong on that? I have the Pyramids on order but was also considering getting the PS series. Any comments welcome! Thanks :D
I'm also interested in the responses to this, as I am debating them against each other as well (though I don't have Pyramids).
Also I just posted a related question comparing MIS & ME!
I like PS better than Slow and Heavy. The pace is a bit faster and I get wonderful results from this workout. My upper body is in the best shape since I've been using both PUB and PS once per week. Even better than when I was on an S&H rotation.

Everybody's different, of course, but these are my results.
If you're already getting the pyramids, I'd say go with S/H. It is more "different" and very effective. The only thing I dont like about it is the leg workout. It's short, no floorwork and you need to go so heavy that you have to finagle some way to get really heavy weight on your back (vest, etc.). I don't use it too often. I do the upper body all the time, and I love the PS Legs tape. I think it has been the most effective of all the leg workouts, with PLB not far behind (no pun intended.)
I use the PS series more and rotate that with PUB, PH, MIS, ME and CTX-UB split. I put in S&H every three months for 2-3 weeks. S&H is a great workout but it requires a lot of focus and by the second week I'm screaming for a change. It does give you the mass you want.

I think you'll love PS. Two of the workouts were inaugurated into the Hall of Fame on Videofitness.com and the other was voted a "favorite". There are very few workouts that make either category. Enjoy!
Thanks for all of your input everyone. I think I'll get the PS series first and then get the S&H later. You've all been great in answering my question-Thanks!:)

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