Pure Strength Series - Is it possible to break the workout into two sessions?


New Member

I love Cathe's videos. I am wondering though if it is possible to break the Pure Strength videos into two sessions without losing the benefits? For example, Strong Legs and Abs - could one do the standing workout one evening and the floorwork and abs the next (of course a warm-up/cool-down would be required each time)?

A second question, if I may: I think I have some sort of arthritis in my right knee joint which makes itself quite noticeable doing the Strong Legs and Abs workout. Any suggestions for exercises that could help? Not exactly sure in which exact area the pain is but it is real. Or is there no 'cure' for arthritis other than taking painkillers?

Many thanks for any advice you could give.
Best wishes, Maria-Franziska
Hi Maria!

Sure, you can divide the PS tapes and still get benefits. I'll admit though, that if at all possible, it is best to do them in their entirety. But of all the PS tapes, the one that lends itself to being split, yet still maintain almost equal benefits as if doing it in its entirety, is the leg tape(if split right where you mentioned).

As for your arthritic knee, I really can't comment on exercises that could help without fully understanding the problem. This is best left for your doctor. If you find that your knee bothers you everytime you do specific exercises, write those down and take the list to the doctor. He/she can determine if this is something that needs to be looked at more seriously or rather just requires some mild exercise modifications. Sorry I can't be of more help. Hope you feel better!

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