Pure Strength or Gym Styles for building and toning?


Active Member
Are they similar? Which would you pick for actually building muscle (particularly the legs) and toning (particularly the arms)? I have Legs & Glutes but for some reason I think the FIRM builds more muscle because I used heavier weights (two dumbbells on my shoulders for leg press as opposed to just one as in L&G).

You can always increase or change the weight to whatever works for you. I often use medicine balls or plates instead of dumbbells in some of the moves, for example. It's just easier. In general, heavier weights = more muscle.

The Gym Styles are newer and contain interesting variations on a lot of moves, not to mention pre-mixes, so they may be a good choice for you.

RE: Pure Strength or Gym Styles for building and toning...

I recommend the Gym Style workouts. I like Pure Strength, too, but find that series a little easier than the GS workouts. But the floor work in PS legs with the bar always leaves me nice and sore. Overall, though, I'd go with GS.
RE: Pure Strength or Gym Styles for building and toning...

What about for toning the upper body? Would Gym Styles be my best bet too or would you rec Pure Strength for this? Thanks again!
RE: Pure Strength or Gym Styles for building and toning...

I'd still go with Gym Styles. I believe them to be even more thorough than Pure Strength. They are definitely longer. This morning I did both PS upper workouts back to back with no problem. I don't usually do both GS uppers together as I'm definitely more fatiqued after GS. I also like the rep speed better in GS. In GS, the rep speed is slower, so I can lift heavier.

PS is great, however, when you are short on time. I like to add 30 to 45 minutes of cardio to the PS workouts.

Heck, get them both.
RE: Pure Strength or Gym Styles for building and toning...

LOL, good point! I noticed that the Pure Strength VHS tapes are on sale at a really good price. Should I just get those or is it really worth getting them on DVD if I'm getting Gym Style as well? TIA!
RE: Pure Strength or Gym Styles for building and toning...

Hi Mommy2 - I sent you a pm! Just wanted you to know...:) Diana
RE: Pure Strength or Gym Styles for building and toning...

I bought PS from the vhs sale and am happy with it.I think it is worth it to get the vhs'. I have the GS on dvd. If I were you I would buy PS on vhs and GS on dvd. If you love PS, then invest in the dvd. I've only done GS chest and triceps so far and the whole ps series and I do agree GS is harder which may also influence your decision.


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