Puny Planker


Does anyone have any suggestions for improving my planks? I feel like I am not getting any stronger and I have been incorporating plank work in my workouts for about 6 months now. I still only feel it in my arms, I am focusing on not letting my butt sag or stick up the way Cathe says in the form pointers in the videos, but I am getting frustrated. Esppecially with the emphasis in the new DVDs being more on plank work and less on traditional crunches. Any suggestions from someone who can identify with my struggles would be GREATLY appreciated! Thanks guys!
I like to use the bent arm planks, where your weight is on your forearms rather than your hands. I noticed that I really improved on these in a short period of time.

The only "secret" with planks, I think, is to keep trying. Go to your knees for a break when necessary, but make that further and further into the exericise. It also seems to help to focus on "zipping up" the lower abs.
Try doing the plank work first in your workout. That way you will be a lot fresher and more focused to do them. Then, once you "have mastered" them at the beginning of the workout,go back to putting them at the end of the workout.

Good luck!

Thanks everyone, I will keep at it and try your suggestions! I think doing the planks at the beginning may help me gain some strength!

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