Pug Dogs!


:D How many of you out there have pug dogs? I just found out fitnut has one and it prompted this question. I have a fawn male and a black female. I mated them once and that was enough. Pepper (female) did not want to be a mother. I believe the pups would have died if my husband hadn't held her down to feed them. Pepper had 8 pups and only 6 survived. What an experience!:) Nothing better than a roomful of pug puppies or dogs for that matter!;)
Hi Lisa! I have a mini-dachshund, not a pug but I've always thought pugs were adorable. In fact, I just came from taking my cat to the vets and there was a woman there who brought in one of her pugs for observation because he had just pigged out on a bag of chocolate cookies and she was worried about his reaction. He was quite the chubster but oh so cute!

Btw, thanks again for all your input/advice on HIT...I've signed up for classes for an A.A.S in HIT and start in a couple of weeks! :D
:) Dashounds are adorable too! Not sure if I spelled that right. Pugs are so funny! They will just eat and eat if you let them. I have mine on a diet now (they are quite hefty, they are not much into exercise, just sleeping and eating). My co-worker has a pug dog and she got into the kids easter basket in the bedroom and ate the chocolate. Luckily she vomited!;)
Hey there, I have a Pug puppy named Max and he is a doll! He is about 5 months old at 12-13 lbs. My husband and I also have a female Akita named Nikki whom weighs 95 lbs. We adopted her from an Akita rescue club. They make quite the pair when we take them for walks...it's like Mutt and Jeff!

Anyhow, Max is a hoot. He snores and makes all of these funny gurgle noises. He has a beautiful fawn coat and his body is stout--the perfect pug! We are considering getting a black female sometime down the road for breeding and pet purposes. It may be more for pet purposes; like your experience, I have heard that breeding dogs is not all it's cracked up to be.

Anyhow, how long did it take to potty train your pugs? Max is smart, but it seems to potty training, he is not the most consistent...he has peed on our suede sofas twice. He starts playing really hard and forgets where he is supposed to go...there isn't any signal, just release! My husband is convinced that he is not the sharpest tool in the shed. Though, he is good when he is kept on his schedule and we predict he may need to go after playing. He is our clown and has such a sweet personality that everyone adores!

I use to work at a daschund kennel in high school...a couple that breed and showed standard daschunds, wire-haired, smooth and long coats. They had about 40 dogs and they were such sweeties.

We have to get some pics scanned of our babies, so we can show them off online! Anyone here have pics of their babes?

Dawn :0)
:D Hi believer! I bet your dogs are a pair! I think males are harder to train then females. Pugsley, my male, took quite a while to train and he still has accidents! When I got Pepper, she was already trained, so that was nice. Pugs have a mind of their own and will do as they please. Keep your times consistent. If you can, have him go out every couple of hours at first if possible. Since Pepper gave birth to her pups, we had both her and pugsley fixed (no more of that)My dogs are both AKC registered as well as their pups. It is very important if you breed to be there during delivery as Pepper did not even lick the bags off the pups face, and with pugs this needs to be done immediately because of their short snout. My male is definite show quality as his ancestors were! :D
Hi Lisa,

I don't have a Pug, but totally love them. One of my student workers has a pug named Dookie who's a clown!! My husband and I have a Boston Terrier (Chelsea - snores incredibly!!) and a Boxer (Gunther). We have a soft spot for any kind of smooshed-nose dog.

There's a woman in town who has three pugs and it's just a hoot to see her walking them all at once.

Believer - does your little Pug rule the roost where your Akita is concerned? They have such great personalities.
I have a Pug named Griffin. He is 8 mo. old(I've had him about 5 mo.) He is precious! I couldn't believe it when I saw this thread! I had to look and make sure I was not on my Pug forum!=) I love my little furbaby, and he's great with my kids!
I can't believe this many people have pugs!!! I absolutely LOVE my pug! His name is Rocky and is the best dog I have EVER had in my life! He is one snortin' crazy dog though! He snores, snorts, and breathes louder than any mammal I have ever heard... no jokin'!

I guess I have been lucky as he was sooooo easy to potty train. He has been trained since he was about 2 months old and never has accidents. He stays in the house all day by himself while we are gone... doesn't tear up anything. Probably just sits on the couch all day and snorts!

I also just taught him to rollover this weekend! Only took 2 training sessions of about 5 minutes each.

He is also great with our kids. My 3 year old and him are best friends. I seriously could not ask for a better dog!

I wonder who else has dogs? Maybe we should have a section on the new picture site, "CAthe Addicts" just for posting dog pics??? Seriously!

Wow, I can't believe there are so many Cathe fans with pugs. I have two, a 6 year old black female named Pepper (another one!) and a 2 year old fawn female named PennyLane (my login name!). They are both small. Pepper weighs about 12 pounds and Penny weighs about 14.5 pounds. They are sweethearts, and definitely run the house.

Penny was much harder to housebreak than Pepper. We finally started putting them both in a large cage at night, and now she does fine, even when left out by mistake!

I've had them both fixed, because I'm not up for breeding.

Mine is great too! BUT he is going thru a phase where he chews on EVERYthing!!! If my 2 year old has a stuffed toy, Griffin is wantin' it BAD!!! Last night I started spraying him with water for it, and it started the biggest running/sprint around the living room you've ever seen!haha It was the FUNNIEST!!! He's really starting to let me know how he's feeling! He also got in trouble for chewing on the couch, and to let me know he was mad, he put his front paws on the arm of the couch with his back to me! I had to go over and love him up a little for him to get down!hehe

He's great on the potty training! We have occassional accidents but not very often and he stands at the door and sometimes barks to go out.

I can't imagine him with the run of the house during the day - he stays behind a baby gate in the laundry room with his crate open. One day, though, I left the gate open, and when my husband got up an hour later to go to work, Griffin was laying in his kennel in that area!!!! I couldn't believe it! He knows where he's supposed to go during the day.....Good boy -

>I can't believe this many people have pugs!!! I absolutely
>LOVE my pug! His name is Rocky and is the best dog I have EVER
>had in my life! He is one snortin' crazy dog though! He
>snores, snorts, and breathes louder than any mammal I have
>ever heard... no jokin'!
>I guess I have been lucky as he was sooooo easy to potty
>train. He has been trained since he was about 2 months old
>and never has accidents. He stays in the house all day by
>himself while we are gone... doesn't tear up anything.
>Probably just sits on the couch all day and snorts!
>I also just taught him to rollover this weekend! Only took 2
>training sessions of about 5 minutes each.
>He is also great with our kids. My 3 year old and him are
>best friends. I seriously could not ask for a better dog!
>I wonder who else has dogs? Maybe we should have a section on
>the new picture site, "CAthe Addicts" just for posting dog
>pics??? Seriously!
I don't have a pug, but my parents have a fawn colored male who is about 10 1/2 years old. He is too cute. They make him sleep on the other side of the house because he snores so loud!
Oh and I forgot. My sister just got a female miniture red dachsund
?sp? puppy. She is so cute. I just have 2 big lugs. A 2 year old Burnese Mountain Dog and 8 1/2 year old Rottie-Both females. They are very sweet and love kids.
I don't have a pug but want one! I have been looking for about 3 months now. I live in Texas and have contacted many local breeders--all of whom have nothing available at the moment. I really want to buy a puppy that is not the product of a puppy mill or any other horrific thing, so I am trying to look for a responsible source. If anyone has any ideas of where to look, please let me know. Thanks!
I got mine from a lady in Kansas. She was WONDERFUL!!! PM me and I'll give you the personal info on her. I know of TONS of good breeders from lots of research. I, too, live in TX and called every good breeder I could find - nothing. I know quite a few really good ones and they ship. Griffin was shipped to me and he was quite relaxed when I picked him up. I think the people working in freight were really nice to him.
Kathryn H
Hey Gayle,

Our Akita, Nikki actually rules the roost, but it is unbelievable how much she lets Max get away with! Max's personality has a lot to do with it because he is so happy and gives Nikki a lot of attention...both wanted and unwanted. It has been so nice to watch them turn into buddies. :0)

Hillskip, we got our pug puppy Max from a breeder. He was shipped from Missouri to Washington D.C. She did a great job preparing Max and he came ina brand new crate, with a jacket, and a toy. We were very pleased. Email me at houseofstarkey@msn.com if you would like more info!

Dawn :0)
This is SOOOO cool! We are on a waiting list for a black female pug right now. But the week after the fourth of July we pick up our brand new mini dachshund puppy! She is a "piebald" color. She is pretty much all white with red spots on her. My husband grew up with mini doxies and he had never heard of the piebalds. We thought they were pretty neat looking. We just can't wait to pick up our new baby! :>)

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