pubic bone pain...


This pregnancy is so much different than my first... I'm almost 5 mos. along now, and I've begun to have a TON of pain in my pubic bone. It also feels like my "parts" are all swollen and that the baby could just fall out at any second. I do feel better with low impact exercise, and I think I'll take my own advice and start swimming or doing water aerobics when classes start in the new year to take some of the pressure off of my poor aching groin, pelvis, and pubic bone.

Anyone else having this... or has anyone else ever had this so early? It seriously makes me wonder what will happen when I'm much bigger later on in my pregnancy!

When my mom saw me at Thanksgiving, she said she thought I was carrying low -- I didn't think there was any way she could really tell at that point since I wasn't showing that much... but maybe she was right??

On a happier note, my u/s is next week :) Can't wait!

I'm 37 weeks and have been experiencing that pubic bone pain for a while now. I don't have much in terms of a doc said it's just something that pregnant women have to contend with sometimes. Just wanted you to know that I sympathize.

Stick with the low impact exercising...I've noticed that helps a lot, as does prenatal yoga. Oh and don't forget to do your kegels. I don't know if they really help with the actual pain...but they are good for that pelvic floor anyway.

I'm sorry this hit you so early, but it's possible that it will get better...or at least more tolerable.

Good luck with your ultrasound and enjoy the holidays! Relax and put your feet up.

Wow -- 37 weeks -- you are almost there!! :)

I'm kegeling up a storm :) I suspect that the swollen feeling I have may be due to varicosities. I've got 'em in my groin area at the tops of my legs, and they run in my family ... UGH!!!

I teach prental exercise classes, and I find that sometimes you have to stop and listen to my own instruction! LISTEN TO MY BODY LOL :)

I'm going to have to take on the attitude of The Little Engine That Could... I think I can, I think I can LOL...

Thanks for the response :)
How strange....

I just woke up with a case of this pubic bone pain myself yesterday! I could barely walk, it hurt so bad. Now I know why pregnant women walk that way, LOL! I was accused of "finally walking like a pregnant woman" as of yesterday.

It is a little better today but I just thought it strange to have such pain right in that bone. Didn't make sense to me--oh well, at least if others are experiencing it, I know I'm not abnormal or alone! :)

By the way, I am 27 weeks.....
RE: How strange....

It is a weird sort of pain, isn't it -- the only thing I can think to compare it to is a bruised bone...

I've felt a little better the last couple of days. I'm making a concerted effort not to pick up my 22 mo. (32 lb) son. It seems to help ease the pressure on my varicose veins and on my pubic/pelvic area. I kind of makes me sad, though. It makes me realize that some day soon he'll just be to big to pick up at all!

YES YES YES! I'm 26 weeks and contend with this all the time. It really limits my activity level. I've actually had this pain since the delivery of my first child. When I asked my doc she told me that the pubic bone is actually two parts held together by ligaments. This is stretched/strained during delivery - in my case quite severly. Since ligaments do not have blood flow to them, recovery is very slow. Any high impact or kicking motion will make me very sore for a week or two - just not worth it. I was just getting to the point of high impact again when I got pregnant and the relaxin hormones have losened up the joints again so even playing volleyball sets off the pain.

Ice can help, but it's not that comfortable either :)
I have this, too

I'm 35 weeks (today!) and I have had this pain since about 30 weeks. I get it especially bad after I go for a walk or if I stand around for too long. I notice the pain the most when I am turning over in bed. It feels like I have been to a particularly brutal spinning class on a metal seat! My doctor told me that some women get a lot of pain in the coccyx bone, and others tend to get it in the pubic bone. Lucky me, I have it both places!

-Claire M.

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