PUB tricep question


My triceps are usually fairly strong and work up pretty quickly. But I find that I get complete muscle failure during the overhead tricep raises in PUB, no matter how light my weight is. Somehow, I suspect it is not my triceps that are fatiguing, but rather some other muscle. Maybe shoulders? After all, the tricep work follows a pretty intense shoulder routine, and my shoulders are completely exhausted at that point. How come I can meet Cathe's weight on the tricep kickbacks, but can't raise a dumbbell over my head??? I'm thinking maybe I should substitute another tricep exercise? Does anyone else have this problem? Any idea what causes it? It's so frustrating.

Those overhead tricep presses are really tough. Maybe do the tricep work first...I have found that the band work for the triceps in GS Chest & Triceps really hits my triceps in a new way...YEOW!!!!....:)...Carole
I agree with Carole. I like how the band works my triceps in a different way. But I'm like you Nancy; I can match Cathe's weight with most exercises but triceps. In GSC&T I use 12 pounds for overhead extensions and Cathe uses 25!
Susan C.M.
You could try substituting with lying extensions (one dumbbell in each hand). This is one of my favorite triceps exercises. I find that the support of the bench helps me to put my energy and attention into the triceps muscle. You could also change the order of the two exercises, as the overhead extensions are compound moves, and the extensions are isolation moves, often used as a "finishing move."

I usually do this as a set of lying extensions, followed by the overhead extensions.
Kathryn, I too LOVE the tricep lying extensions. Probabaly because I can really feel my triceps working and therefore feel confident that my form is right. They are my favorite. Maybe I'll just substitute.
I think I'll also substitute with lying extensions, I can't use much weight for the overhead ones so I don't feel like I get much out of them.
I also think the lying extension put the shoulder in a safer position than overhead (in case you have any shoulder issues).

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