PUB so flexible!


I use this workout a lot. Not fancy, just effective and straightforward, and the music is good. I just used the chest and triceps sections yesterday morning, after IMax 2 intervals 6-10.

Sometimes I do the whole pyramid, sometimes up only. Sometimes I do the whole workout, sometimes only parts. The abs section is just great, and effective.

Even though I love PS and MIS, I find that I reach for this workout more than other strength ones lately.

Hi Connie! Me too! I always reach for this one. I do the same thing you do with doing up only or the whole thing.
The Pyramids are my favorite Cathe strength workouts (though there's also PH, and PS and....). I like the premix options as well, though the first time I did the "up only" premix, it felt strange, and I should have used heavier weights on the first exericise, because it seemed to be over so quickly and I was holding some strength in reserve (being used to doing the full pyramid).

I also have tried a pyramid technique I saw described in Muscle and Fitness: keep the rep count of the "down" pyramid (8, 10, 12), but don't change the weight. I did this, using weight I usually use for 10 reps. Of course, 8 reps with it is easy, but that last set of 12 is interesting!
>I also have tried a pyramid technique I saw described in
>Muscle and Fitness: keep the rep count of the "down" pyramid
>(8, 10, 12), but don't change the weight. I did this, using
>weight I usually use for 10 reps. Of course, 8 reps with it is
>easy, but that last set of 12 is interesting!

Wow Kathryn that sounds really interesting. I never do the down option but maybe I will try this one.
I've been doing the "down" option lately. I do the 8 and 10 count with my heaviest, and drop to my mid-weight for the 12 count. It goes by very quickly and I always seem to have DOMS the following day.

Gotta love those DOMS! They make you feel like you're accomplishing something!

Diane, I've been doing exactly what you have with the Pyramid Down premix. I used to use the Pyramid workout as is or do the Pyramid Up premix, but tried Down and was hooked. It's more of a muscle-building workout for me that way because I can go heavy for two of the three sets, then drop to my mid-weight for the final one. And because I love the music and sequence of exercises so much, I'm more apt to use it than Pure Strength for muscle building.

I am hope-hope-HOPING that Cathe and SNM keep premixes for the Hardcore series. The Pyramids workouts are the perfect example of the benefits of premixes.

Kathryn...thanks for posting that...I will give that a try! I love the Pyramids...they are my all time fave!
PUB is also on the top of my list. I think the reason I pull it out most often is its simplicity, and the fact you only use dumbbells. This gives this workout the illusion of speed. (Hate having to re-adjust barbells!)


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