PUB/PLB simple question


How high is her step? She's got 2 black risers on there, but they aren't the same risers as I have so I can't tell. I doubt it matters much, but I'm curious.
That's the black and grey step, right?
It looks like about 10 inches to me. (If it were the regular club step, it would be 8"--4" for the platform, and 2" for each riser).
It's the step with the circles in the middle of the risers, yes black and gray.

I knew you'd have a response! I keep playing and freezing it, trying to measure Cathe's leg. Then I said forget it, ask on the forum. :)
I just got a catalog that has that step in, and the heights are 5" (no riser), 10" (one riser) and 15" (two risers).
Thanks so much Kathryn!!

Dang, I think that means I need another riser...! More fitness equipment!! My DH will be so excited... LOL

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