PUB/PLB for the Unfit


Hello. I have the pyramids, but other than dipping into them here and there, I've never really did it consistently, or in its entirety. I soooo want to make a rotation including them because of the wonderful praises it gets. However, I am 60#s overweight and just dabble at workingout for many, many months. Will I get good results with the pyramids because of how overweight I am? I mean, I realize I need to clean up my diet in the process, but just wondering if something more along the lines of dusting off CTX or timesaver might be better to start a rotation off with or if I can do a PUB/PLB rotation. Sorry if this is confusing........going off hardly any sleep today!! lol

Hiya Kim,

I don't know the answer to your question but I have roughly 45-50 pounds to lose myself and would love to know the answer as I am planning my first purchase of Cathe workout videos/DVDs.

Sorry I didn't know the answer to your question.
Tishee: No need to apologize!!! I'm ashamed to admit, but I have most of Cathe's workouts. I don't use all of them, but I really want to work up to using most. In the past I used the PS series alot, and it does bring wonderful results. However, the thought of a three day split seems too much for my schedule right now. That's why I was thinking either CTX or Timesaver.....but my heart is really wanting to jump into PUB/PLB because of all the wonderful things I keep hearing!!

Wow, you lucky lady!! I so want the timesaver and PUB/PLB DVD's.....I am still wondering what my first order should be...any ideas/advice for a Cathe newbie like myself?
Hi Kim,
I'm trying to loose about 15 lb right now (gained 10 of them after not being able to workout for a while) and I'm doing PLB/PUB + cardio rotation. I think doing pyramids is a great idea. I finished one week so far and for the 1st time in a long time I actually felt the soarness (makes me feel like I'm finally working my muscles).
I'd suggest to combing Pyramids with CTX or Timersavers cardios only.

I don't know what the "correct" or "right" answer is, but if you WANT to do PLB/PUB I think you should do them and rotate with cardio. I love to do rotations, but I won't stick with one if I'm not happy with it. You are more likely to do the workouts you want/desire to go for it. I think developing muscle while losing weight is great and don't see why one cannot do both. I think it is important to do what you like/want to do. There is no way you can't get results with Cathe...especially if you are just starting out with her workouts. Begin with light weights and gradually increase as you get stronger and begin seeing improvement! Good luck!
Hi Kim! I've gotten great results using the Pyramid. I seem to alway grab for this one and ME. This is what I've been doing for a few weeks now. First I did S&H for 3 weeks then after that I've been doing Pyramid Upper on Monday, Circuit Cardio that targets the legs on Tuesday like Kickboxing high step circuit or jump rope high step circuit, Wed. ME upper body, Thursday interval cardio, Friday PUB/PLB premix which is a total body workout, Saturday cardio. Just remember to listen to your body.

Also I would suggest if you want to mix both CTX and The pyramid in a week or doing CTX 1 week follow by doing The Pyramids the follow week. You just have to see what works for you. What work for me may not work for you.
Here's what my rotation looks like:


For cardio I do pretty much whatever video I feel like doing (SB, KPC, RS, SJP cardio only..etc) In your case, for cardio, you can just use one of the cardios from CTX or Timesavers.

Kim, Pyramids are one of my most favorite video sets. For me I always get fabulous results. And as far as being overweight, do not ever, ever let that stop you from trying Cathe's work-outs. These work-outs can be modified to do what you are able to do right now, and if you do them consistently, you will get stronger and healthier and be able to do more and more. Your body size will get smaller even if your weight does not drop right away because of gaining of muscle mass. The more muscle you have the better your body burns fat and this will help in a weight loss journey.

My motto when I was 180 at 5-4 was that if I was going to be heavy, then I did not want my fat flappin in the wind, so I did lots of heavy duty weight lifting to keep my 180 pound body as firm as it could be. When the time was right and my mindset seemed to be right, I finally dropped 35 pounds, arriving at my goal last year, going from size 14 to size 8.

So please, please, please don't let being overweight stop you from doing the work-outs even if you have to modify them at first.
Thank you so much for the advice everybody!! A PUB/PLB rotation it is!~ Now I just need to figure out what to rotate it with (of course KPC will have to be in there.....that's my favorite!!) and I'm trying to think of a way to add the Callanetics and Bar Method in there too! So many decisions!!

>Thank you so much for the advice everybody!! A PUB/PLB
>rotation it is!~ Now I just need to figure out what to rotate
>it with (of course KPC will have to be in there.....that's my
>favorite!!) and I'm trying to think of a way to add the
>Callanetics and Bar Method in there too! So many decisions!!

May I ask you where you got the callanetics videos from? I would love to try this! I plan on doing a rotation JUST LIKE yours with the PUB/PLB, bar method, and hopefully callanetics please do tell me how you plan on doing your rotation so that I can model mine after yours.
Hi Tishee. I actually won them off of ebay. I won quick call butt/hips, and quick Callanetics thighs, and the stomach and orginal should be in my mailbox anyday now! I tried the buns/hips Callanetics the other night, but for some reason I don't think I was doing it right. I will try and scheme up a rotation and I'll let you know!!

>Hi Tishee. I actually won them off of ebay. I won quick
>call butt/hips, and quick Callanetics thighs, and the stomach
>and orginal should be in my mailbox anyday now! I tried the
>buns/hips Callanetics the other night, but for some reason I
>don't think I was doing it right. I will try and scheme up a
>rotation and I'll let you know!!

Thanks Kim for getting back to me!! I so look forward to hearing from you for your rotation! Ebay is such a great place isn't it? Just SO BAD for the CC!!!
>Hey, if you happen to think of something for a rotation with
>these involved, let me know too!!! ;-)

Okay, will do!!

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