PUB/ME abs

Michele S

I just started doing PUB and ME, and the abs are killer (well, the whole thing kills me, but the abs are the final death.) Just curious if anyone started out really struggling and then eventually was able to keep up with Cathe. I'm okay until she starts the "scissors" and then I find myself just laying back and watching in awe!

I finished ME today and was actually breathless for a while...but can't wait to do it again!}(

I can do the abs in ME, and more or less could do that section from the beginning, although it is one of the toughest ab workouts that I've done. The PUB abs really get me. I have trouble keeping up with the scissors with the stability ball, and then I can only do the pikes if I'm doing the ab workout on its own (even then I can't do all of them). If I try to do the PUB abs after doing the whole PUB workout, or even just the pyramid up, I have to do the non-stability ball version of the pikes. My arms are just too wiped out at that point to allow my abs to do the work! My big aspiration now is to be able to do that whole ab section.

By the way, Cardio and Weights also has a great abs section.


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