PUB/B-Max Upper body

I did a fun upperbody workout yesterday and am savouring some pretty toasty DOMS today. I did the PUB pyramid up premix pausing after each body part and doing the B-Max section for the same part right away. I really enjoyed it and am still feeling it. Maybe next time I'll try it with PUB and PS but that would be a loooong workout!

Any 'hurts so good' upperbody mish moshes you'd like to share?:)

Take Care
Laurie :)
Awesome job, Laurie! That's a great idea! I'm not about to try it myself, mind you, but I think it sounds like a great workout. Enjoy that muscle fatigue - you earned it.

Laurie I am doing PUB/MM right now and I have some major DOMS. But I feel I have really worked my muscles. It didn't seem to take a long time to work out the body parts. Doing one bodypart on PUB, and MM are fairly short.

I got my best/worst (??) muscle fatigue and DOMS from doing a body part from Slow&Heavy and immediately following that by the same body part from CTX.

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