PUB and Gym style


Do either of therse videos focus on highs reps and low weights? and if not which one of Cathes dvd focus on those two things?
Of the two PUB is more high rep/low weight. Though "low weight" depends on the person. Muscle Endurance and Power Hour are your more traditional "endurance" or high rep/low weight type of workouts.
I must admit that PUB gives me greater DOMS than the Gym Stlyes (except for chest). I ALWAYS feel my biceps especially after PUB in a way that GS just doesn't get to. I match Cathe for weights in both series - and usually go heavier for the GS biceps and the PUB back exercises. That being said, I like rotating the two series because I think they're both very valuable for strength gains. HTH :)
Trust in the LORD with all your heart.

so what do you use to build muscle? i do not build easy. want to get the most of all my wokrouts.
>so what do you use to build muscle? i do not build easy. want
>to get the most of all my wokrouts.

For workout frecuency, what seems to work best for many ectomorphs (those who do not build muscle easily) is doing a split workout, hitting each muscle group hard once per week, allowing for sufficient recovery. For us, recovery seems to be the key. P90X is wonderful for that. Gym Styles can be used in this way (but with some extra breaks between some sets, and most definitely between working some muscle groups). When I do PUB/PLB, I put breaks between the sets, because recovery within a workout is important as well.

For the workouts themselves, what is said to work best for hypertrophy (muscle bulding ) is sets of 10-12 reps, going to near failure on most sets (that is, the last rep or two is hard, and you couldn't do another one with good form. Real failure would be being unable to complete the last rep completely, which is risky when working without safety equipment, though can be done one some exercises). Rest periods between sets are shorter than for strength building (for strength building, rests of about 3 minutes are recommended, for hypertrophy, 60-90 seconds).

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