PS Upper Body Tapes


Good Morning everyone. I just purchased the 2 PS upper body tapes. I am used to doing MIS. I have previewed these tapes but have not done them yet. They look very intense. I am just curious as to what weights to use. For those of you that do MIS, are you able to use the same amount of weight for these tapes since they are much more intense?? Also, I have never done those T bar rows. She tells you to start light (?) and then heavy up. I usually do lat rows with 20 -25 dumbells. How much weight would I have to put on that one end of the barbell?? Thanks evreyone. I have been under the weather again and have not been able to work out for a few days and just trying to find out what works for these tapes. Thanks so much. Mary
Hi Mary!! Sorry to hear you are feeling under the weather. My daughter isn't feeling so hot herelf lately.Something must be going around.
As for PS, I find that I can lift more with PS than MIS. For PS t-bar rows I put on 2 10lbs plates for the light. Then I put on 2 more 10lbs plates for the heavy end leaving the one at the back so my barbel doesn't slide. I can do bicep curls with the barbell using 35lbs. But in MIS I have to go down to 25-30lbs. Usually 25. IN CST My bench presses are 45lbs. Same when I do rows using the barbell. In MIS it's 35lbs. I guess what I'm getting at is I can go about 10lbs heavier with the barbell in PS and about 5lbs heavier in dumbells. It is intense but it's slower and the rest periods are longer so I find that helps.
Well, I hope I answered you alright. I hope this helps ya' too:)! Have a great day!!

Thanks Aimee. I am surprized that you can actually go heavier. It just looks like you would get so exhausted. Sometimes doing MIS, I have to pause the tape for a minute and take a little longer break than they do just to catch my breath, get a drink, etc. Do you think this in any way hurts the benefits of MIS? Thanks you again for being so helpful. Mary
Hi Mary,
I just thought I'd chime in here too. I also go heavier with the PS tapes since I seem to get less fatigued by working out fewer muscle groups in the PS series than in MIS. I don't think you are hurting the benefits of MIS by pausing to get a drink or to rest. I drink a lot when I workout, so I often pause the tape, yet I think I am getting good results with MIS. Good Luck!
Cruncholi - thanks for your response. I guess the one thing that I didn't think about was the fact that you are only doing 2-3 body part not a total body workout, so heavier weights might be more doable. I'm so used to getting my butt kicked by MIS, it is soooooo long. When I do break from MIS, it is probably less than a minute so maybe I'm not hurting my results. Thanks again. Mary
Hi Mary!! I also just want to say that I pause the tape in between sections, to get a drink and catch my breath. I don't think it hurts results muscle wise. Maybe the only thing it might slow us down on is our endurance and being able to keep going through the length of the tape. Still, I feel it would only be slight. Trust us, you will be able to go heavier!! Maybe not the first time, but very soon afterward:)!!

Hi Mary,
I love MIS, but I certainly must pause here & there to get a drink of water & catch my breath. I don't think it hurts the results at all.
I too use heavier weights with PS, mostly I think because of the longer rests, which I rather like myself!
Ruth :)
Hi Mary! I hope you feel better soon! I'm another one who generally goes heavier with the PS series than with MIS. The longer rests between sets really do help! Also, since you're doing a split routine with PS, you can really focus on the body parts that are being worked, whereas with MIS you're working every muscle group so you have to pace yourself instead of really going all out.

I recommend experimenting some the first time you do PS. Maybe try doing about the same weights you use in MIS, but keep lighter weights on hand if you find you need to pyramid down. I think you'll find, though, that your MIS weights will be fine. You may even decide you want to go heavier the next time :)

I agree. I use heavier weights for PS, but your first time you can go with your MIS poundage so you can see. For the uneven bar/lat exercise in BBA, I use 40 pounds on the one end for the warmup and 55 pounds for the 3 sets, which is almost too much weight. For the one-arm rows, I use 25 pounds for the first set, and 20 for the second two. For biceps I use a 40 lb barbell and 14 pound dumbells, then 11 pounds for the last concentration curls. For MIS I use the 35 pound barbell and 12 lb dumbells that Cathe uses.
I hold a 10 and a 4 lb dumbell, or a 10 lb dumbell and a one pound wrist weight in each hand at the same time. I own 4, 7, 10, 12 pound dumbells and then a set of ones with removable weights that I usually leave set up with 20 lbs. To keep from buying more junk, I make do with these. I can make just about anything I need. Those soft one pound wrist weights can also be slipped over the ends of a barbell, to add 2 pounds to it easily and safely. This is handy for biceps curls or even squats. You can do a set a little heavier, then just "wipe" them off in no time during Cathe's painfully short "breathers" and do the next set just a little lighter.

I have two sets of dumbbell bars with weight plates and then I can adjust to whatever weight I need. I think that's what mogambo is using for her 20lb. set? I like them because I can go as heavy or as light as I want, but it is a hassle to change the weights sometimes.
RE: Dumbbells

Yes, the ends screw on and off. With no plates on them, the little bars weigh 5 lb each, and I can add sets of 5 or 2 1/2 pound plates, but it takes too long to do while I am actually in the workout. I set them up before I start, and use the smaller ones to make whatever combinations I need. I use post-it notes stuck on the VHS cassette label to tell me which dumbells or barbells I am using for that workout. I can replace the post-it note if I get stronger, and it doesn't ever come off inside the VCR (although I imagine it would be a nightmare if it did!)
1 Pound Wrist Weights

Mogambo, that's a great idea to use the soft 1-pound wrist weights to wrap around a dumbbell! I don't own any of those but I've seen them at Target and at Sports Authority and they're very inexpensive. I've seen them in 2-pound versions, too. May just have to indulge in a couple pair!

And wow, are you ever correct about Cathe's "rest" between sets!

Kathy S.
RE: 1 Pound Wrist Weights

It's even easier than wrapping around the dumbell. With a dumbell, just pick it up in your hand. Slip your thumb in the soft weight, and then pick up the dumbell normally. It is so easy. With the barbell, you can slip them on the ends.

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